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Beethoven: El Musico Sordo
Beethoven: El Musico Sordo
Beethoven: El Musico Sordo
Audiolibro41 minutos

Beethoven: El Musico Sordo

Publicado por YOYO USA

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

BEETHOVEN WAS A DEAF GENIUS WHO LIVED LIKE ANY MORTALLY. Beethoven's life is full of curious details. He was one of the biggest and most admired musicians of all times. His advances to control the piano led him to give his first concert at the age of 8. Maximiliano Franz, a wealthy and powerful noble, saw his potential and offered support giving him work as substitute organist. The youngster Ludwig spends all his infancy and teenage years dedicated to music, without games or friends, in a pernicious family environment; factors that would influence his rebellious and romantic character.
EditorialYOYO USA
Fecha de lanzamiento1 ene 2001
Beethoven: El Musico Sordo

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