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The Trouble With Needing: Honey Peak, #2
El Problema De Necesitarla: Honey Peak, #2
The Trouble With Falling: Honey Peak, #1
Serie de libros electrónicos3 títulos

Honey Peak

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Información sobre esta serie

Corrine James no es necesaria aquí.


Se lo he dicho, o al menos lo he intentado, pero hay algo en la curvilínea cuidadora que me hace morderme la lengua.

No quiero una cuidadora en casa.

No quiero que nadie me vea luchar, pero mi hermano está preocupado por mí y sé que insistirá.

Cuando le digo que no la necesito, me ruega que la deje quedarse. Necesita este trabajo y por eso cedo.

Ese es mi primer error.

Solo serán unas semanas y luego me la quitaré de encima.

Solo hay un problema.

A medida que pasan las semanas, me doy cuenta de que le mentí a ella y también a mí mismo.

Creo que tal vez realmente podría necesitarla. No como cuidadora en casa, sino como algo mucho más.

Pero soy mercancía dañada.

Ella nunca podría estar interesada en mí.


Fecha de lanzamiento22 jul 2022
The Trouble With Needing: Honey Peak, #2
El Problema De Necesitarla: Honey Peak, #2
The Trouble With Falling: Honey Peak, #1

Títulos en esta serie (3)

  • The Trouble With Falling: Honey Peak, #1


    The Trouble With Falling: Honey Peak, #1
    The Trouble With Falling: Honey Peak, #1

    Elijah Grove is the absolute worst.  And he knows it too. Mainly because I've told him so every day since I've met him. I wish that I could just avoid him for the rest of my life but that's hard to do when we live in this small town. I thought that we were on the same page about ignoring each other but then one night he shows up at my bakery and offers me a deal. One that I promptly reject but when he jams his foot in my door and refuses to leave until I hear him out, I relent. He wants me to be his girlfriend. It would be fake, obviously. We just need to make it look good and fool his family so that they don't try to set him up while they're in town. In exchange, he'll help me get my bakery up and running. I would be an idiot to say yes, but there is a lot of work to be done and we'd only have to pretend for a few days. I can handle it. Or I thought that I could, but the more time that I spend around the grumpy giant, the more I start to see that he might not be as bad as I first thought. But this is all just a façade. Isn't it?

  • The Trouble With Needing: Honey Peak, #2


    The Trouble With Needing: Honey Peak, #2
    The Trouble With Needing: Honey Peak, #2

    Corrine James is not needed here.  I've told her that, or I tried to anyway, but there's just something about the curvy home caregiver that has me biting my tongue.  I don't want a live in caregiver though.  I don't want anyone to see me struggle, but my brother is worried about me and I know that he'll insist.  When I tell her that I don't need her, she begs me to let her stay. She needs this job and so I cave. That's my first mistake.  It's only meant to be for a few weeks and then she'll be out of my hair. There's just one problem. As the weeks go on, I realize that I lied to her and to myself too. I think that maybe I really might just need her. Not as a home caregiver, but as something much more. But I'm damaged goods. She could never be interested in me. Could she?

  • El Problema De Necesitarla: Honey Peak, #2


    El Problema De Necesitarla: Honey Peak, #2
    El Problema De Necesitarla: Honey Peak, #2

    Corrine James no es necesaria aquí.   Se lo he dicho, o al menos lo he intentado, pero hay algo en la curvilínea cuidadora que me hace morderme la lengua. No quiero una cuidadora en casa. No quiero que nadie me vea luchar, pero mi hermano está preocupado por mí y sé que insistirá. Cuando le digo que no la necesito, me ruega que la deje quedarse. Necesita este trabajo y por eso cedo. Ese es mi primer error. Solo serán unas semanas y luego me la quitaré de encima. Solo hay un problema. A medida que pasan las semanas, me doy cuenta de que le mentí a ella y también a mí mismo. Creo que tal vez realmente podría necesitarla. No como cuidadora en casa, sino como algo mucho más. Pero soy mercancía dañada. Ella nunca podría estar interesada en mí. ¿Podría?

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