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Cómo decodificar la voz de Dios - 5 maneras: Mensajes del Embajador Monday O. Ogbe
Cómo decodificar la voz de Dios - 5 maneras: Mensajes del Embajador Monday O. Ogbe
Cómo decodificar la voz de Dios - 5 maneras: Mensajes del Embajador Monday O. Ogbe
Libro electrónico48 páginas35 minutos

Cómo decodificar la voz de Dios - 5 maneras: Mensajes del Embajador Monday O. Ogbe

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Amigos, estamos viendo cómo decodificar la voz de Dios. Hay varias maneras en que Dios nos habla. El texto que veremos hoy es 1 Samuel capítulo 3. Pero solo como término introductorio, es posible que ya estés escuchando a Dios. El problema es que o no estás atento o no entiendes cuando Él habla o no te han enseñado cómo decodificar lo que Él est

Fecha de lanzamiento11 jun 2024
Cómo decodificar la voz de Dios - 5 maneras: Mensajes del Embajador Monday O. Ogbe

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    Cómo decodificar la voz de Dios - 5 maneras - Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe


    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe’s Messages: How to Decode God’s Voice – 5 Ways

    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe


    About the Author – Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

    Ambassador of Christ, Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe is a marketplace ambassador of Christ with a heart for unity in the body of Christ. His face-to-face encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday, 22nd of April 2006 at 5 AM in the morning changed the trajectory of His life forever.

    As an ICT expert, he uses His skill to reach online seekers and equip the body of believers to the work of ministry via his ministry site – A Minister at God’s Eagle Ministries, a church without walls, borders and denomination where we are seeding the nations with God’s word and God is transforming Lives through over 2 million Christian focused content which are now hosted and distributed to a worldwide audience of both seekers and Christians. content reaches over half a million-online audience monthly and growing!

    Ambassador Monday is host to "Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and welcome to freedom in Christ in healing, deliverance, and restoration equipping series where he teaches and equips the saints to minister healing, deliverance, and restoration of self and others within and outside their circles – Healing is the children’s bread and a sign to unbelievers to authenticate God’s endorsement of the hope of our calling. We have seen remarkable healing, deliverance and restoration taking place for God's glory!

    He has written over 500 titles which can be found via this link:


    How to Decode Gods voice


    INTRODUCTION – How to DECODE God’s Voice - 5 Ways

    Scriptures for Reading, Meditating, and Contemplating:

    1 Samuel 3:1-19

    Podcast Audio link below:

    Podcast link:   Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: How to Decide God’s Voice: 5 Ways God speaks to Us

    The Message: How to DECODE God’s Voice: 5 Ways

    So friends, we’re looking at how to decode God’s voice. There are various ways God speaks to us. The text we’ll be looking at today is 1 Samuel chapter 3. But just on an introductory term, it is possible you’re already hearing God. The issue is either you’re not attentive or you don’t understand when He speaks or you’ve not been taught on how to be able to decode what He’s saying.

    And so in this short exhortation, I would like us to look at the five ways God speaks to us. Five ways. And they are by audible voice, by revelation and revelations broken down into visions, trances and dreams. By inward witnessing, that is number three. Number four, by prophecies or word of knowledge. And number five, by the written word.

    But there might be more of other ways because God can use anything to speak to us. You know, so He uses various ways

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