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Amazing Sports from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore
Amazing Sports from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore
Amazing Sports from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore
Libro electrónico41 páginas7 minutos

Amazing Sports from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


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Información de este libro electrónico

Amazing Sports from Around the World explores unusual and fascinating sports from diverse cultures and locations. Learn about Ostrich Racing, Tuna Toss, Elephant Polo, and much more! With exciting illustrations and incredible facts, this book will appeal to readers of all ages. The book comes with lesson plans, extension activities, and audio to support teaching in diverse classrooms. This book is available in English and in many bilingual editions.


Amazing Sports from Around the World is part of the Language Lizard Explore collection which helps readers discover the world around them.


"A wonderful way for students to explore cultural diversity from every continent, while discovering that sports universally bring people together." Sarah Anderson, First Grade Teacher

Fecha de lanzamiento14 jul 2022
Amazing Sports from Around the World (Spanish-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore

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    Amazing Sports from Around the World (Spanish-English) - Douglas McLaughlin

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