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Diversión en el clima de otoño (Fall Weather Fun)
Diversión en el clima de otoño (Fall Weather Fun)
Diversión en el clima de otoño (Fall Weather Fun)
Libro electrónico21 páginas4 minutos

Diversión en el clima de otoño (Fall Weather Fun)

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Texto informativo e ilustraciones atractivas muestran a los estudiantes cómo puede cambiar el clima en otoño. A través las preguntas de pensamiento crítico y comprensión, los estudiantes aprenderán a prestar atención al clima y comprender los cambios estacionales. ¡Ahora en español!

Informative text and inviting illustrations show readers how the weather can change in fall. Through critical thinking and comprehension questions, readers will learn to pay attention to the weather and understand seasonal changes. Now available in Spanish!

Fecha de lanzamiento1 ago 2019
Diversión en el clima de otoño (Fall Weather Fun)

Martha E. H. Rustad

Martha E. H. Rustad is the author of more than two hundred nonfiction children's books, on topics ranging from snowflakes to termites to the Statue of Liberty. She lives with her family in Brainerd, Minnesota.

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Comentarios para Diversión en el clima de otoño (Fall Weather Fun)

Calificación: 3.582191731506849 de 5 estrellas

73 clasificaciones5 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Set in Australia. Mark, Anna, her sister Tracey, and Ben meet up at the bus stop every morning. Anna's younger sister likes 'The Story Game' where each child makes up a story. When it is Anna's turn, she starts to tell them about Hitler's make-believe daughter, Heidi, who had a birth defect and was hidden from public view. Mark starts to think deeply about the issues raised by Anna's story and can't wait to hear more. What if Hitler did have a secret daughter, and what if she did escape the bunker and make her way to Australia? This book is a way to view this part of history through a different lens. Interesting.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    What if Hitler had a daughter? And what if this daughter was born with imperfections? And what if this daughter was hidden away from the public? Anna tells the story of Hitler’s daughter each morning at the bus stop to her friends, and the friends are captivated. Mark, especially, is intrigued, and the story provokes Mark into questioning many of the things he has always assumed.Ignore the trite cover. Ignore the scary title. This is a book that will encourage thoughtful discussion, I think.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    So, Hitler had a daughter and he has a granddaughter or was it a great granddaughter in Australia. This is a story, however. Is its aim to address issues of genocide, right and wrong, what makes people evil etc or what?
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This is an impressive book and one I can't recommend highly enough.Anna tells stories her friends love to hear. Then, one day, she starts to tell a deeper, richer story that's both more compelling and more disturbing than the stories she's told before, about a girl, maybe an imaginary girl, and maybe not, who is Hitler's daughter. In response, Mark, the viewpoint character, begins to ask questions about inheritance, what it means to care for others, how to cope with loving someone who does wrong, and how to understand what's really right when everyone around you agrees that bad actions are right, as he tries to understand what he hears and how he feels about the story. The adults in his life want to be supportive, but are mystified by his questions and concerns. Often, they're busy or don't answer very satisfactorily, but when Mark asks his dad whether kids are evil if their parents are, his dad responds thoughtfully and without getting angry, even though he doesn't understand why Mark is so worried.The more I think about this book, the better I think it is. The issues are very real and very much a part of what we all must deal with. All of us would do well to revisit questions about the issues and feelings, because this book isn't so much about Hitler, as about right and wrong, and how we develop our understanding about what they are.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A narrative with an biographical feel to it. It is a thrilling story that captures the reader's attention.

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Diversión en el clima de otoño (Fall Weather Fun) - Martha E. H. Rustad

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