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Yo Puedo Dibujar I Can Draw: Spanish and English Instructions
Yo Puedo Dibujar I Can Draw: Spanish and English Instructions
Yo Puedo Dibujar I Can Draw: Spanish and English Instructions
Libro electrónico73 páginas27 minutos

Yo Puedo Dibujar I Can Draw: Spanish and English Instructions

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Información de este libro electrónico

Este libro te ensena como hacer dibujos paso a paso con instrucciones en Ingles y Espanol.

This book is teaching you how to draw with instructions in English and Spanish.
Fecha de lanzamiento9 may 2013
Yo Puedo Dibujar I Can Draw: Spanish and English Instructions


ABOUT THE AUTHORS Stephanie Tonini, 51, is an Art Photographer for 8 years now with her own business in Houston, Texas of which she is a native. Educated at the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts! Houston, Texas and Houston Baptist University, she enjoys her photography with current works, Sacred Arlington in the Library of Congress. Having studied music (Vocal) at HSPVA she is a Soprano with the Houston Choral Society. One of my favorite escapes is cooking, of which I have done since childhood with Mom and Dad and friends. Whether it has been for family or a formal get together with friends, Our Christmas partys are known for and looked forward to every year! Dr. Ross Tonini, 62, from Fairfax, Virginia is an Audiologist with the Baylor College of Medicine, Medical Center in Houston, Texas which is where he earned his Doctorate and has been with them for the past 11 years. He too is with the Houston Choral Society singing Tenor. Like his wife he enjoys cooking and grilling for their family and guest BBQs and feels that cooking is a great escape too! Theres no better way to show your love to family and friends than through kitchen creations of which me and my wife, Stephanie, know very well! Both, Stephanie and Ross hope you enjoy their first cookbook and have great success as your own chef in the kitchen! Let us know how it turned out!

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    Yo Puedo Dibujar I Can Draw - Stephanie

    Copyright © 2013 por Patricia T. Bloomberg.

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    Fecha de revisión: 07/05/2013

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