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El Guepardo: The Cheetah
El Guepardo: The Cheetah
El Guepardo: The Cheetah
Audiolibro8 minutos

El Guepardo: The Cheetah

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

This story is an Easy Spanish Listen for learners of Spanish. It is a mystery story about a picture of a Cheetah, and it is written in accessible language.

The story is suitable for those who have been studying Spanish for at least a year. Quick learners, who have been studying Spanish for less than a year, can gauge if the story is suitable for them by listening to the demo/preview.

Javier Fernández-Peña brings the story to life with a great narration. He stared as Spanish Buzz Lightyear in the Hollywood blockbuster Toy Story 3 (Buzz Lightyear is turned to Spanish mode during the film).

Ultimately, this story will broaden your vocabulary and give you a better grasp of the language, or simply entertain you.

[Those who have access to the supplementary material have access to a written version of the story, a short vocabulary list and several questions]

Fecha de lanzamiento27 nov 2023
El Guepardo: The Cheetah

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