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Instrumentos y Conversación: Instruments and Conversation
Instrumentos y Conversación: Instruments and Conversation
Instrumentos y Conversación: Instruments and Conversation
Audiolibro17 minutos

Instrumentos y Conversación: Instruments and Conversation

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Información de este audiolibro

This story is an Easy Spanish Listen for learners of Spanish. It is a story about friends who meet up to play their instruments. It is written in accessible language and many common phrases are used.

The story is suitable for those who have been studying Spanish for at least a year. Quick learners, who have been studying Spanish for less than a year, can gauge if the story is suitable for them by listening to the demo/preview.

Javier Fernández-Peña brings the story to life with a great narration. He stared as Spanish Buzz Lightyear in the Hollywood blockbuster Toy Story 3 (Buzz Lightyear is turned to Spanish mode during the film).

Ultimately, this story will broaden your vocabulary and give you a better grasp of the language, or simply entertain you.

[Those who have access to the supplementary material have access to a written version of the story, a short vocabulary list and several questions]

Fecha de lanzamiento25 nov 2023
Instrumentos y Conversación: Instruments and Conversation

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