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1000 Spanish Words: Build Language Skills and Boost Your Everyday Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day Quickly and Easily Learn to Speak Beginner Spanish While You Walk, Exercise, Sleep, Work, or Travel
1000 Spanish Words: Build Language Skills and Boost Your Everyday Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day Quickly and Easily Learn to Speak Beginner Spanish While You Walk, Exercise, Sleep, Work, or Travel
1000 Spanish Words: Build Language Skills and Boost Your Everyday Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day Quickly and Easily Learn to Speak Beginner Spanish While You Walk, Exercise, Sleep, Work, or Travel
Audiolibro5 horas

1000 Spanish Words: Build Language Skills and Boost Your Everyday Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day Quickly and Easily Learn to Speak Beginner Spanish While You Walk, Exercise, Sleep, Work, or Travel

Escrito por Bennett Ashford

Narrado por Raymond Feliz

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

Effortlessly Expand your Spanish Vocabulary

Tailored for English speakers, this audiobook offers a comprehensive range of Spanish words curated for everyday use, ensuring you're equipped to navigate various situations with confidence.

  • Diverse Vocabulary: Explore a rich array of Spanish words, carefully selected to cover a wide spectrum of everyday scenarios and grouped in 10 word sections by topic area.
  • Easy Listening Format: Divided into 10 user-friendly chapters, this audiobook allows for seamless learning at your own pace, making it perfect for busy lifestyles.
  • Convenient Learning: Whether you're commuting, exercising, or relaxing at home, absorb Spanish vocabulary effortlessly while on the go, thanks to the accessible format of this audiobook.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Spanish language. Whether you're preparing for travel, academic pursuits, or simply seeking to broaden your linguistic horizons, 1000 Spanish Words is your gateway to proficiency. Start your journey today and embrace the richness of Spanish culture through language mastery.

Fecha de lanzamiento1 ene 2024
1000 Spanish Words: Build Language Skills and Boost Your Everyday Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day Quickly and Easily Learn to Speak Beginner Spanish While You Walk, Exercise, Sleep, Work, or Travel

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