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101 Conversations in Mexican Spanish: Short Natural Dialogues to Learn the Slang, Soul, & Style of Mexican Spanish
101 Conversations in Mexican Spanish: Short Natural Dialogues to Learn the Slang, Soul, & Style of Mexican Spanish
101 Conversations in Mexican Spanish: Short Natural Dialogues to Learn the Slang, Soul, & Style of Mexican Spanish
Audiolibro2 horas

101 Conversations in Mexican Spanish: Short Natural Dialogues to Learn the Slang, Soul, & Style of Mexican Spanish

Escrito por Olly Richards

Narrado por David McNeill, Carlos Garza, Emma Guajardo y

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Improve your spoken Spanish from home with 101 real-world conversations in intermediate Mexican Spanish.

Real Mexicans don't speak like your textbook… so it's no wonder you struggle with the slang and expressions of spoken Mexican Spanish! This book fixes that. For the first time, you'll learn to move beyond beginner level, and speak Spanish in the real world! With 101 authentic conversations in intermediate Mexican Spanish, and a brand-new story in this edition, you'll become confident in the words, phrases and expressions you need to communicate like a local.

Here's what you'll get:

  • 101 conversations in intermediate Mexican Spanish, so you can learn the real Spanish spoken in the street, understand spoken Mexican slang with ease, and have local expressions roll off your tongue more fluently
  • Real, daily spoken Mexican Spanish throughout - it's as if we held up a microphone and recorded the exact words coming out of people's mouths - so you can learn the expressions that real people use on the street (not in textbooks). You'll sound more authentic when you speak and make Spanish-speaking friends more easily.
  • Situational dialogues from typical daily circumstances, so you can prepare yourself to survive realistic Mexican Spanish encounters, in shops, cafés, and on the street, making meeting people second nature
  • Conversations that are carefully written to be accessible for intermediate learners (B1-B2 on the CEFR), so you can learn from real, spoken conversations, without having to go through the rollercoaster of difficult conversations with strangers
  • Summaries of each conversation which contextualise each dialogue, so you can easily follow the plot and enjoy the story without getting lost
EditorialOlly Richards
Fecha de lanzamiento20 oct 2020
101 Conversations in Mexican Spanish: Short Natural Dialogues to Learn the Slang, Soul, & Style of Mexican Spanish

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Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas

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