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Spanish for Beginners: Learn Latin American Spanish Grammar
Spanish for Beginners: Learn Latin American Spanish Grammar
Spanish for Beginners: Learn Latin American Spanish Grammar
Audiolibro3 horas

Spanish for Beginners: Learn Latin American Spanish Grammar

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

Eager to learn the beautiful language Spanish?Do you wish you can learn it fast?

If so, this audibook is for you!

This book is the third audibook in the Learn Spanish for Beginners series. It was created with the purpose of making our customer's learning curve as steep and short as possible.

This made us follow a logic that a lot of people know is great, but few understand how to implement it in their learning. I'm speaking about learning the Spanish language in the same way as children learn a new language.

If you feel a bit overwhelmed by learning a new language, we got you. This book only consist of the most commonly used verbs in the spanish language, while also explaining the grammatical structure for the present, past and future tense. That's all you need to know to understand and communicate in Spanish. Every word in this book is used by every spanish speaking native several times each day.

By approaching the Spanish Language the same way as Children do, you will develop quickly. If you want to speak with natives, conduct business or anything similar, this is the right approach for you too.

In this book, you will:

  • Learn Fundamental Spanish Grammar
  • Learn how to conjugate verbs
  • Learn hundreds of nouns
  • Learn hundreds of the most common adjectives
  • Learn almost a thousand verbs in the Spanish language
  • Rehearse with fun exercises
  • Learn how you should pronounce phrases with a great accent.
  • Learn how you should pronounce phrases with a pure latin american accent.

If you are serious about learning the Spanish language, then make it easier for you and hijack your own learning curve effectively by following the same principles you used as a child.

Don’t wait any longer, scroll up and purchase this book now!

Fecha de lanzamiento5 jul 2021
Spanish for Beginners: Learn Latin American Spanish Grammar

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