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Noche de bodas
Noche de bodas
Noche de bodas
Audiolibro50 minutos

Noche de bodas

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Un joven cura de pueblo sufre una verdadera crisis vital cuando, al salir del seminario, despierta el deseo en él y debe enfrentarse a la fuerza de sus sentimientos y al peso de las decisiones que tomó para salir de la miseria. Un retrato humano acerca de la fuerza de la pasión, y una aproximación muy naturalista al mundo rural del que proviene el protagonista. "Noche de bodas" es uno de los cuentos valencianos de Blasco Ibáñez y una obra literaria de altura, de una prosa emocionante y evocadora.

Diseño de portada: David Rubiales Suárez.

A young rural priest suffers a real life crisis when, after leaving the seminary, desire awakens in him and he must face the strength of his feelings and the weight of the decisions he made to get out of misery. A human portrait about the strength of passion, and a very naturalistic approach to the rural world where the protagonist comes from. "Noche de bodas" is one of Blasco Ibáñez's Valencian tales and a literary work of height, with an exciting and evocative prose.

Cover art design: David Rubiales Suárez.

Fecha de lanzamiento10 feb 2024

Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (1867-1928) was a Spanish novelist, journalist, and political activist. Born in Valencia, he studied law at university, graduating in 1888. As a young man, he founded the newspaper El Pueblo and gained a reputation as a militant Republican. After a series of court cases over his controversial publication, he was arrested in 1896 and spent several months in prison. A staunch opponent of the Spanish monarchy, he worked as a proofreader for Filipino nationalist José Rizal’s groundbreaking novel Noli Me Tangere (1887). Blasco Ibáñez’s first novel, The Black Spider (1892), was a pointed critique of the Jesuit order and its influence on Spanish life, but his first major work, Airs and Graces (1894), came two years later. For the next decade, his novels showed the influence of Émile Zola and other leading naturalist writers, whose attention to environment and social conditions produced work that explored the struggles of working-class individuals. His late career, characterized by romance and adventure, proved more successful by far. Blood and Sand (1908), The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1916), and Mare Nostrum (1918) were all adapted into successful feature length films by such directors as Fred Niblo and Rex Ingram.

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