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Sobre el cielo y la tierra
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Sobre el cielo y la tierra
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Sobre el cielo y la tierra
Audiolibro5 horas

Sobre el cielo y la tierra

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Las opiniones del nuevo Papa Francisco I sobre la familia, la fe y el papel de la Iglesia en el siglo XXI expresadas en un diálogo comprometido y sincero con el Rabino Abraham Skorka.

El Cardenal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, desde el 13 de marzo de 2013 Papa Francisco, y el Rabino Abraham Skorka, rector del Seminario Rabínico latinoamericano, son dos tenaces promotores del diálogo interreligioso, a través del cual buscan construir horizontes comunes sin diluir las particularidades que los caracterizan.

Sobre el cielo y la tierra es el resultado de una serie de profundas conversaciones que mantuvieron de manera alternada en la sede del Episcopado y en la comunidad judía Benei Tikva. En sus encuentros transitaron las más variadas cuestiones teológicas y terrenales. Dios, el fundamentalismo, los ateos, la muerte, el Holocausto, la homosexualidad, el capitalismo, son apenas un puñado de los temas en los que dan a conocer sus opiniones el nuevo líder de la Iglesia católica y el prestigioso rabino Skorka.
Fecha de lanzamiento20 jun 2014
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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I'm not going to finish this. They don't seem to really be having a discussion, just talking past each other, and the whole thing seems very shallow.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Intriguing Interfaith DialogueI really appreciate the translation and publication of these candid conversations. They not only offer wonderful insights into our current Pope and his Rabbi friend but also a welcome glimpse of what interfaith dialogue should be. I was deeply touched by their profound explorations and hope to see more unity among God's people.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This audio book was not very good. It may have been poorly translated from Spanish, but I am uncertain. It is basically just a conversation between then a Cardinal from Burnouses Ares Argentina (now Pope Francis) and an Argentinian Rabbi. And by basically I mean completely. No additional information, not even a "He said '...' and then he said '...'...." The two readers have voices that are not internally dissimilar which makes following which character is speaking difficult. The first several discs were a whole lot of really non-important stuff. Don't kill people. Abortion is bad. Don't hate the would be mother, hate the murderous "doctor" etc. One thing that is clear, is that Pope Francis is not the "most Progressive Pope in history" that the liberal media tries to show us. Such lines as "I disagree every child deserves the right to a female mother and a male father" are far from the 'guy to bring homosexuals to Catholicism' that MSNBC tries to proclaim. The most interesting part was the fairly anarchist view point that the would-be pontiff declares on some political aspects such as voting saying that even though voting is compulsory in Argentina the last time he voted was in the election for Raúl Alfonsín which would have been 1973 saying that it isn't worth the effort necessary to vote. There are some other references that assume the reader to have a bit of knowledge about Argentinian history. There is almost enough to make me want to learn more, but its just not quite interesting enough to make me want to pass that threshold. All in all if this type of thing is something that you would be interested I recommend getting the dead tree and leave the CD Player alone for this one. If you want to know the Pontif better, there are likely better choices you can make to do so.