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We are just a few days away from ARCO. Am I interrupting your preparations?

Actually, I have never prepared anything for ARCO. I've always presented something from the previous year, a preview of upcoming exhibitions or a combination of both. For example, the Rubells bought a painting that had been shown at the gallery. I have always worked at ARCO like I do at home: I exhibit in all my galleries (as I do at Art Basel) because I want things to be happening for me on my home turf. At Paris+ or Frieeze London, on the other hand, I only give one painting to one gallery.

You work with several notable galleries, which means frequent exposure to a very heterogeneous public. How do you organize your work in order to reach everyone?

For me the priority is the exhibitions, which are complemented by participation in fairs. I try to make sure that the exhibition proposals are different, that's why I do a maximum of three a year.

Isn't that a lot?

Well… when you work every day…

Of course, but you have to

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