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We wanted to conduct a few short interviews with professionals from different fields in relation to climate change. This is a very frightening change and we have no doubt that, if urgent measures are not taken, it will be too late. In total and absolute opposition to climate change denial, a threat that is leading us to disaster, we wanted to hear some opinions on this subject. Elvira Lindo, Totó Bergamo, Stefano Baccari, Clara Lago, Javier Goyeneche, Alazne Aurrekoetxea and Nico Romero, all of different ages and professions but sharing a common belief: climate change must be stopped.


Elvira Lindo (Cádiz, 1962) is as prolific as she is intuitive, and it's no wonder her writing is considered among the finest in all of Spain. Her ability to convey profound ideas with simple language makes \her an essential voice in this interview (or as she playfully refers to it, an interrogation).

Delving into her articles is an absolute delight, exemplifying responsible journalism—thoughtfully exploring diverse topics while refraining from insults, disrespect, and falsehoods— qualities desperately needed in our current landscape.

This year has been particularly remarkable

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