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101 Conversations: Spanish Edition
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101 Conversations: Spanish Edition
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101 Conversations: Spanish Edition
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101 Conversations: Spanish Edition

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Información sobre esta serie

Real Spanish people don’t speak like your textbook… so it’s no wonder you feel unprepared when it’s your turn to speak! 

Try the StoryLearning Method, and dive into a real-world, gripping drama between six characters that helps you learn natural spoken Spanish in the process. Created by Olly Richards, internationally-renowned language teacher and author, this proven method of the immersive experience not only entertains, it gives you the skills to master realistic encounters in shops, cafés, and other, everyday scenarios! 

In this story, when a mysterious painting appears on the wall of the Prado Museum, Detective Augustina Sánchez is called in to investigate. Soon, she discovers that the painting is full of clues about five different crimes that will be committed somewhere in Madrid by the end of the day.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 101 Spanish conversations with over 15,000 words of dialogue — an unparalleled resource that will immerse you in Spanish at a level you can easily understand and reproduce.
  • Expressions that real people use on the street. You’ll sound more authentic when you speak and make Spanish-speaking friends more easily.
  • Conversations that are accessible for intermediate learners (B1-B2 on the CEFR), so you can speak confidently, even with strangers.
  • Each conversation is limited to around 15 lines of dialogue (150 words) to help you master the expressions more quickly, and keep you moving toward the finish line.

Unlock the simple genius that makes learning Spanish a breeze in 101 Conversations in Intermediate Spanish. You’ll improve your spoken Spanish, impress native speakers, and catapult your fluency to new heights

Fecha de lanzamiento28 mar 2024
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101 Conversations: Spanish Edition
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101 Conversations: Spanish Edition
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101 Conversations: Spanish Edition

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