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Chip Conley: the Modern Sage - Disrupt Everything #149

Chip Conley: the Modern Sage - Disrupt Everything #149

DeDisrupt Everything: Reinvéntate a ti Mismo - podcast by Isra García

Chip Conley: the Modern Sage - Disrupt Everything #149

DeDisrupt Everything: Reinvéntate a ti Mismo - podcast by Isra García

57 minutos
12 dic 2020
Episodio de podcast


"The meaning of your life is to find your gift, and the purpose is to give it away" - Chip Conley. Podcast featuring a legendary interview with someone I've admired since I saw his talk about the meaning of life and the happiness index, Chip Conley. Interviewing Chip Conley, Silicon Valley legend, New York Times bestselling author and one of the greatest disruptors of the 21st Century. This a conversation about wisdom, intuition, emotional intelligence, disruption, leadership, creativity and more... Chip disrupted the hospitality industry twice, first with Joie de Vivre Hospitality and then as a principal advisor at Airbnb. He is considered one of the biggest modern elders of our times. [Find here the Summary in Spanish] "Understand that it is ok to be awkward." "Most of us need to get smaller in life, not bigger" - Chip Conley.   Rebel hospitality entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Chip Conley disrupted his favourite industry... twice. At age 26, he founded Joie de Vivre Hospitality (JdV), transforming an inner-city motel into the second largest boutique hotel brand in America. He sold JdV after running it as CEO for 24 years, and soon the young founders of Airbnb asked him to help transform their promising start-up into the world’s leading hospitality brand. Chip served as Airbnb’s Head of Global Hospitality and Strategy for four years and today acts as the company’s Strategic Advisor for Hospitality and Leadership. His five books have made him a leading authority at the intersection of psychology and business. Chip was awarded “Most Innovative CEO” by the San Francisco Business Times, is the recipient of hospitality’s highest honour, the Pioneer Award, and holds a BA and MBA from Stanford University.   Chip's main focuses are his Modern Elder Academy, Sabbatical Sessions he offers there and his new MEA Online offering, which is just getting started.   Conley is an unstoppable entrepreneur and game-changer; he’s New York Time Bestselling author and the founder of the world's first "midlife wisdom school," the Modern Elder Academy in Baja California Sur, Mexico, where students learn how to repurpose a lifetime of experience. He's also the founder of Fest300 (part of Everfest) and San Francisco's Celebrity Pool Toss and Hotel Hero Awards.   "We are thirsty for the community."   Index of contents   Key milestones and life highlights. Life-changing lessons from leading Joie de Vivre Hospitality (JdV) for 24 years. Measuring what makes life worth living: 10 years later. Takeaways from working as Airbnb's global head of hospitality and strategy: contribution and learning in return. The core of the intersection between psychology and business. The influence of attending Burning Man - in life and work. Contemplative practices and "awakening." Wisdom and reinvention, which they have in common. The learnings from having written Wisdom at Work. Learnings from writing The Land of Yet (Chip¡s latest book). Formulas explanations: "Anxiety = Uncertainty x Impotence" "Joy = Love - Fear." "Curiosity = Wonder + Dread" Modern Elders Academy: the movement. the journey, and the lessons. Wisdom. Habits that help you keep going every day. Little tricks that make Chip Conley's life easier. Success after an eclectic and fulfilling life. A birthday party every 5 years. How to navigate in today's world and non-requested advice. "Surround yourself with people that you trust, enjoy and have fun with them" - Chip Conley. * Find here the summary in Spanish. Podcast show-notes: Modern Elders Academy. Chip Conley's website. LinkedIn profile. The Rebel Rules: Daring To Be Yourself In Business. Marketing That Matters: 10 Practices to Profit Your Business and Changes the World: Easyread Super Large 24pt Edition. Peak: how great companies get their mojo from Maslow. Emotional Equations: Simple Truths for Creating Happiness + Success. Wisdom at Work: The Making of a Modern Elder. The Land of Yet: A Coloring Book for Modern Elders.
12 dic 2020
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

(Spanish version) - Disrupt Everything Podcast proporciona los medios necesarios para encontrar la diferencia queue marca la diferencia, hackear el potencial humano e impactar positivamente en tu vida y profesión. Es una guía para vivir en un estado permanente de reinvención. Un proyecto diseñado para extraer y acercarte las claves maestras, de ese 1% de los más grandes disruptores mundiales, así como sus mejores estrategias, técnicas, habilidades, rituales, hábitos, nuevos fundamentos, procesos, sistemas o trucos, que te lleven a reinventarte a ti mismo, y convertirte en big-bang que ser humano representa. La meta final de este podcast es: incomodarte, educarte, molestarte, lanzarte, liderarte, desarrollarte, calibrarte, optimizarte, mentorizarte, potenciarte, propulsarte, elegirte y reinventarte. Algunos hitos destacados: * Podcast referencia en disrupción, reinvención y life hacking. * Más de 120 entrevistas a personalidades mundiales como como: Seth Godin, Robin Sharma, Jamie Wheal, Nancy Duarte, Steven Kotler, Dandapani, Kevin Kelly, Dr Bruce Lipton, Mark Manson, Frank Blake, Wim Hof, Mingyur Riponche, Dennis McKenna, Shi Heng Yi, Massimo Pigliucci o Chip Conley. * Más de 5.5 millones de escuchas. * Alrededor de 235.000 descargas mensuales. * Con episodios en Castellano y en Inglés. (English version) - Disrupt Everything Podcast provides the tools and resources to find the difference that makes the difference, hack into the human potential and positively impact your life and profession. It is a guide to living in a permanent state of reinvention. A project designed to dissect and share the keys of that 1% of the world's top disruptors. As well as their master strategies, techniques, skills, rituals, habits, foundations, processes, systems or hacks lead you to reinvent yourself and become the big bang that being human represents. The ultimate goal of this podcast is: to bother you, educate you, motivate you, launch yourself, lead you, develop you, calibrate you, optimize you, mentor you, empower you, propel you, choose you, and reinvent yourself. Some highlights so far: * Top podcast in Spanish in disruption, reinvention and lifehacking. * More than 120 interviews with top global disruptors such as Seth Godin, Robin Sharma, Jamie Wheal, Nancy Duarte, Steven Kotler, Dandapani, Kevin Kelly, Dr Bruce Lipton, Mark Manson, Frank Blake, Wim Hof, Mingyur Rinpoche, Dennis McKenna, Shi Heng Yi, Massimo Pigliucci or Chip Conley, among many others. * More than 5.5 million listens. * Around 235.000 downloads per month. * One of the few that offers episodes in Spanish and English.