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Dominando Litecon. La Moneda ligera.
Dominando Litecon. La Moneda ligera.
Dominando Litecon. La Moneda ligera.
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Dominando Litecon. La Moneda ligera.

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Nuestro autor es un empresario que siempre ha buscado resalatar la importancia de la criptomoneda a nivel global, tomando en consideración las necesidades de las personas que de igual manera se interesan en nuevos recursos intercambiarios. Con esta guía nos daremos cuenta de la importancia de conocer a las nuevas monedasm, en especial, las criptomonedas.

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Dominando Litecon. La Moneda ligera.

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    Dominando Litecon. La Moneda ligera. - Adidas Wilson

    Copyright © 2013 by Adidas Wilson

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    Adidas Wilson

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    Table of Contents

    Litecoin Introduction

    Cryptocurrency Wallet Guide

    How To Buy Litecoin

    Mine Litecoin and Other Altcoins

    A Better Investment: Bitcoin or Litecoin

    Litecoin Wallet Clients

    Bitcoin vs Litecoin

    Invest In Litecoin

    SegWit In The Wild

    Coinbase Users

    Second Largest Currency

    Bitcoins in 8 Ways

    The Purpose of Blockchain



    Understanding Cryptoeconomics

    Cryptocurrency: The Ultimate Guide


    Litecoin Introduction

    Charles Lee created Litecoin in 2011, and it is now the 2nd or 3rd largest digital currency after Bitcoin.  For those already using Bitcoin, Litecoin has a few surprises for you. The main desktop application is an enhancement of Bitcoin-QT Client, and you can download it from Litecoin website—you can also use it as a digital wallet.

    Litecoin is different from Bitcoin in some ways. To begin with, the cap for Bitcoin is 21 million coins while the cap for Litecoin is 84 million.

    Litecoin has begun with a mining reward of 50 coins for every block just like Bitcoin. However, the award for Litecoin halves every 840,000 blocks which is larger than the set 210,000 for Bitcoin.

    The Litecoin transaction fee is slightly higher than that of Bitcoin, but again, one Litecoin is worth 0.019BTC.

    Where on earth can you get Litecoin? If you are not a miner, you have to purchase Litecoin from one of the few;

    •  BitBargain UK

    •  Bittylicious

    •  Bitfinex

    •  BTC-e

    •  BTER

    •  Kraken

    •  Cryptsy

    •  Vircurex

    •  CoinMKT

    Litecoin is still very far from matching Bitcoin’s standards and getting merchants to accept this digital currency is not easy.

    The algorithm that Litecoin uses as proof of work is entirely different from the one that Bitcoin does. Bitcoin uses SHA256 hashing algorithm, and Litecoin uses Scrypt algorithm. In simple terms, the Litecoin system only favors systems with a very high RAM (which is very costly), and it is a kind of Memory Hard Problem. Apart from that, transactions are conducted just as in Bitcoin.

    The Litecoin mining process is very much similar to the Bitcoin mining process. Same with other crypto-mining, in Litecoin mining there are mining pools that increase rewards for miners.

    Whether you plan to solo mine or join a pool of miners, use cgminer—it is the best mining software.

    Just like cryptocurrency in general, Litecoin is not for everyone. Charles Lee in an interview said that most will use Bitcoin for expensive purchases and Litecoin for micro transactions.

    Chapter 1

    Cryptocurrency Wallet Guide

    What is a crypto currency wallet? It is a software program for storing public and private keys and interacts with different blockchain to allow users to send and receive online currency and also monitor their balance.

    Although there are so many people that use digital currency wallets today, there is still a lot of confusion on how they work. As opposed to traditional wallets, online wallets do not store currency. These currencies are neither stored anywhere nor do they exist in any physical form. It is only the records of transactions that exist and are stored on blockchain.

    When someone sends you cryptocurrency, they are signing off ownership of those coins to the address of your wallet. The private key in your wallet has to match the public address the currency is assigned to if you want to spend the coins and unlock funds. If the private and public keys match, your digital wallet balance will increase while the sender’s balance will decrease. So do not expect a real exchange of actual coins. The proof of the transaction is its record on blockchain and the change in balance in the wallet.

    Various types of wallets offer different ways to access and store your online currency. There are three distinct categories of wallets; paper, hardware, and software. Software wallets are online, mobile or desktop.

    How secure your wallet is, depends on its type (hardware, online, desktop, mobile, paper) and your service provider. It is riskier to store currency on a web server compared to offline since offline wallets cannot be hacked.  However, regardless of the wallet you are using, you should be careful because if you lose your private keys, you lose your money as well. In another case, you can be scammed.

    1.  Backup your wallet. Only store small amounts online and keep the rest in a highly secured environment.

    2.  Update your software regularly (both on your mobile and computer).

    3.  Add extra security layers.

    Multi-currency Wallets

    Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, but many others (altcoins) have come a long way. If you would like to have a variety of digital currencies, you can do so without having a different wallet for each one. There are multi-currency wallets that allow you to have several currencies in the same wallet.

    Some transactions require you to pay a fee while others don’t. Alternatively, you can set your fee. Either way, the fees are usually too small.

    Wallets are pseudonymous. Your wallet is tied to your identity, but your identity is not public. However, your wallet address can trace back to your identity.

    There are many options for you. But you need to

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