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Los más peligrosos
Los más peligrosos
Los más peligrosos
Audiolibro8 minutos

Los más peligrosos

Escrito por Terri Fields y Laura Jacques

Narrado por Rosalyna Toth

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Los animales más peligrosos de todo el mundo se juntan para el concurso del Animal Más Peligroso de Todos. Víboras, arañas, tiburones…¿Quién será el ganador? Veneno mortal, dientes grandes, cuernos afilados como hoja de afeitar, y patas que dan miedo son sólo unas cuantas maneras en que los animals matan. Los depredadores están hechos para matar. La presa simplemente se defiende a sí misma. Y sin embargo, ¡el animal mortal más inesperado ni siquiera intenta lastimar del todo! No dejes que el suspenso te mate.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 ene 2013
Los más peligrosos

Terri Fields

The author of over twenty children's books, Terri Fields has won numerous awards for her writing, including recognition from the American Library Association. She and her husband live in Arizona.

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Comentarios para Los más peligrosos

Calificación: 4.25 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I was a little concerned about this book when I read it through the first time. The story is about several animals & reptiles from around the world ~ they're dangerous and bad ~ and they know it. During a contest for The Most Dangerous Creature on Earth and in the Sea they brag and tell why they are The Most Dangerous and during the telling you can see the judging panel get more afraid through their facial expressions and reactions to each. When it looks like there are no other contenders one more creature - the smallest the eye can see (at least at this event) - comes forward.The book teaches kids about why animals can be dangerous, about the animals habitat, lifestyle and why we need to be careful around them. We didn't really get into a discussion about this book ~ I need to get it out again and try and get a conversation going. It would be a good opportunity to talk about safety around animals. You could also make a list with the kids of the different animals in the book and see if you can find them at the zoo so they can see them, learn about what they eat, etc.