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Zac el Zorrillo aprende a pedir perdón: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry  (Spanish Edition)
Zac el Zorrillo aprende a pedir perdón: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry  (Spanish Edition)
Zac el Zorrillo aprende a pedir perdón: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry  (Spanish Edition)
Audiolibro6 minutos

Zac el Zorrillo aprende a pedir perdón: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry (Spanish Edition)

Escrito por Misty Black

Narrado por Ivanna Ochoa

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Un libro ilustrado sobre la empatía, el perdonar y el pedir perdón para niños de 3 a 8 años.

Zac el Zorrillo le gustaba burlarse de los demás. Usualmente, sus bromas eran inocentes. Pero ¿Qué pasa cuando sus bromas son de mal gusto?

Para un niño, puede ser difícil reconocer errores y el pedir perdón es mucho más difícil. 

Al final del libro, encontrarás materiales y páginas de actividades contra el acoso.

Cuando Zac se da cuenta de que sus bromas no son muy graciosas, ¿podrá hacer lo necesario para recuperar sus amigos o será muy tarde?

¡Obtén tu copia hoy del libro “Zac el Zorrillo aprende a pedir perdón” para ayudar a tu niño a aprender la importancia de disculparse!

An anti-bullying book for children in preschool to 2nd grade, ages 3-8.

Punk the Skunk liked to tease. Normally, his teasing was harmless. But what happens when his teasing goes too far?

It’s never too early to talk about these important social skills:

Showing empathy

Dealing with bullying

Being a true friend

Saying sorry


Teacher and parent discussion materials on these topics are included in the back of the book.

When Punk realizes his teasing isn’t funny, will he be able to do what it takes to get his friends back, or will it be too late?

Listen to Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry to see if this prankster can become a peacemaker today!

Zac e sus amigos series. 

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Fecha de lanzamiento12 abr 2021
Zac el Zorrillo aprende a pedir perdón: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry  (Spanish Edition)

Misty Black

Author Misty Black enjoys picture books as much as her children do, if not more! Why? Because a good book can take you anywhere in the world! Misty has been winning awards for writing since fifth grade. She enjoys reading, playing board games, gardening, and spending time with her husband and 3 children. When asked why she writes, she said, "Books should be fun and exciting. Children deserve to love reading, and I want to be a part of that." Misty is the author of several children's books including: Punk and Friends Learn Social Skills series: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper? Brave the Beaver Has the Worry Warts Sloan the Sloth Loves Being Different Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful With Love Collection: When You Feel Better: A Get Well Soon Gift When you Feel Better companion coloring books You Taught Me Love You Taught me Love companion coloring book Grandmas Are for Love Fizzle Fun Series: Unicorns, Magic and Slime, Oh My! My Mom the Fairy Follow her on social media @mistyblackauthor

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