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Nunca estás solo: Confía en el milagro de la presencia y el poder de Dios
Nunca estás solo: Confía en el milagro de la presencia y el poder de Dios
Nunca estás solo: Confía en el milagro de la presencia y el poder de Dios
Audiolibro4 horas

Nunca estás solo: Confía en el milagro de la presencia y el poder de Dios

Escrito por Max Lucado

Narrado por Johnny Pena

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

En Nunca estás solo, Max Lucado, el pastor y autor best seller del New York Times, te mostrará que eres más fuerte de lo que crees porque Dios está más cerca de lo que te das cuenta. Serás consolado por el Dios vivo, amoroso y hacedor de milagros que ni lo pensará dos veces antes de entrar en los matorrales espinosos de tu mundo para sacarte de allí.

Cuando sentimos que la vida no es suficiente, ¿le importa a Dios? Cuando lo escucho decir «No», ¿tiene una respuesta? Cuando me enfrento a una avalancha de desafíos, ¿me ayudará? Cuando la vida se vuelve oscura y tormentosa, ¿se da cuenta? Cuando me enfrento al temor a la muerte, ¿me ayudará?

La respuesta en los milagros que dan vida en el Evangelio de Juan es un rotundo sí.

En este libro, Max Lucado te ayudará a:

  • Darte cuenta de que Jesús está caminando contigo y levantándote de tus tormentas.
  • Permanecer en la gracia de la cruz, el milagro de la tumba vacía, y la garantía del poder de la restauración.
  • Creer que Dios es tu fuente de ayuda siempre presente.
  • Reconocer que nunca estás sin esperanza o fuerza porque nunca, nunca, estás solo.

Anhelamos a Alguien que nos acompañe en medio de los líos de la vida. Anhelamos creer en un Dios vivo, amoroso y hacedor de milagros que ni lo pensará dos veces antes de entrar en los matorrales espinosos de nuestro mundo para sacarnos de allí.

Si este es tu deseo, echa un vistazo a las palabras de Juan y los milagros de Cristo y ve si no logran su objetivo deseado: «Para que ustedes crean que Jesús es el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, y para que al creer en su nombre tengan vida» (Juan 20.31).

Hoy, ármate de valor porque eres más fuerte de lo que crees, ya que Dios está más cerca de lo que crees.

You Are Never Alone

In You Are Never Alone, Max Lucado, the pastor and New York Times best-selling author, will show you that you are stronger than you think because God is closer than you realize. You'll be comforted by the living, loving, miracle-working God who won't even think twice about entering the thorny bushes of your world to get you out.

When we feel that life is not enough, does God care? When I hear Him say "No", does He have an answer? When I am faced with an avalanche of challenges, will He help me? When life gets dark and stormy, does He notice? When I am faced with the fear of death, will He help me?

The answer in the life-giving miracles in John's Gospel is a resounding yes.

In this book, Max Lucado will help you:

  • Realize that Jesus is walking with you and lifting you up from your storms.
  • Remain in the grace of the cross, the miracle of the empty tomb, and the assurance of the power of restoration.
  • Believe that God is your ever-present source of help.
  • Recognize that you are never without hope or strength because you are never, ever, alone.

We long for Someone to be with us in the midst of life's troubles. We long to believe in a living, loving, miracle-working God who will not even think twice about entering the thorny bushes of our world to get us out.

If this is your desire, take a look at the words of John and the miracles of Christ and see if they do not achieve their desired goal: "That you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing in his name you may have life" (John 20:31).

Today, take courage because you are stronger than you think, because God is closer than you think.

EditorialGrupo Nelson
Fecha de lanzamiento15 sept 2020

Max Lucado

Since entering the ministry in 1978, Max Lucado has served churches in Miami, Florida; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and San Antonio, Texas. He currently serves as the teaching minister of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. He is the recipient of the 2021 ECPA Pinnacle Award for his outstanding contribution to the publishing industry and society at large. He is America's bestselling inspirational author with more than 150 million products in print. Visit his website at The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast

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Calificación: 4.746031757142857 de 5 estrellas

63 clasificaciones10 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Un gran recordatorio de que en la vida No estoy solo, No estamos solos nunca, Jesucristo siempre está con nosotros!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente libro, lleno de reflexiones enfocados en la biblia! ??
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Me encanto, un libro super recomendado. Afirmó no estas solo
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente libro para quienes aún no comprenden lo sobrenatural que es la obra de Dios.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente libro!! Una lectura muy amena y con grandes enseñanzas
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Una bendición de Dios gracias por este libro ya que ha Sido de mucha revelación en mi vida que nuestro Dios le bendiga grandemente
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Siempre traen una palabra refrescante a nuestras vidas en un lenguaje común que nos acerca a Dios.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Este libro es un bálsamo al corazón y al espíritu!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    What's In Your Basket? This is the second time I've had the honor of working with one of my childhood literary heroes as an advance reader of his new book, and the first time I've actually read the entire book before publication (in this case, roughly 3 months before). And this book is classic Lucado. Full of humor, real life stories, encouragement, ... and prooftexting. For those that don't know, "prooftexting" is the concept used quite extensively in Christian circles where you cite seemingly random Bible verses in support - "proof" - of whatever claim you're making at the time. And it is an automatic star deduction whenever I encounter it. No ifs, ands, or buts. This is my own way of waging war against the practice.

    All of that noted, this particular book looks at several of the miracles as seen in the Gospel of John, which has long been my own personal favorite Gospel and book of the Bible. So much so that when I preached my own first sermon over two decades ago now, it too came from John - though not one of the stories Lucado so eloquently discusses here.

    Seriously y'all, the guy is a master of the conversational style and inspirational writing. He has been for 30 years, and this book is no different there. Were it not for the prooftexting, this is a 5* book easily if you're remotely open to Christian thinking, and if you don't want to read a book that heavily references Christian thinking... why are you reading a book by one of the most well known Christian writers and pastors in America today? It even has a revelation or two that I didn't know myself and had to Google, but for those still as plugged into this community as I was long ago were likely old news at this point.

    All told, a work that is very much recommended.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Another good book by Max Lucado. His books are so easy to read yet very thought-provoking. He is an excellent storyteller, which helps hold my interest.