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Spanish Vocabulary Master: Start Talking: 30 Topics at Elementary Level: A1-A2
Spanish Vocabulary Master: Start Talking: 30 Topics at Elementary Level: A1-A2
Spanish Vocabulary Master: Start Talking: 30 Topics at Elementary Level: A1-A2
Audiolibro2 horas

Spanish Vocabulary Master: Start Talking: 30 Topics at Elementary Level: A1-A2

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Do you want to speak Spanish fluently in everyday situations? Listen & Learn with the Spanish Vocabulary Master: Start Talking course, which will gradually teach you useful vocabulary and develop communication skills in typical situations.

The course covers 30 topics of everyday conversations, and the exercises in each lesson help you remember the words and pronunciation easily and teach you how to ask questions, make requests, pass on information and solve everyday problems, also on a journey abroad. This is effective learning, easy and available to everyone!

Why is it worth choosing the Spanish Vocabulary Master: Start Talking course?

  • You will learn and master over 900 vital words and expressions
  • More than 400 example sentences will teach you how to use these words and phrases in everyday language
  • You will take part in 120 speaking situations, answering the teacher's questions or following his instructions
  • All the words and expressions are recorded with translations, which enables easier use of the course and allows for faster mastery and consolidation of the material
Fecha de lanzamiento1 ene 2018
Spanish Vocabulary Master: Start Talking: 30 Topics at Elementary Level: A1-A2

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Comentarios para Spanish Vocabulary Master

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas

2 clasificaciones0 comentarios

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