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From Spanish To Italian: Easy way to learn Italian from Spanish
From Spanish To Italian: Easy way to learn Italian from Spanish
From Spanish To Italian: Easy way to learn Italian from Spanish
Audiolibro8 horas

From Spanish To Italian: Easy way to learn Italian from Spanish

Escrito por Mark Frobose

Narrado por Mark Frobose

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Degreed Educated Native Italian Speaker from Italy: Hear an authentic educated Italian accent and learn to create and speak original high quality Italian that will be instantly understood by native Italian speakers everywhere.
Fecha de lanzamiento25 mar 2015
From Spanish To Italian: Easy way to learn Italian from Spanish

Mark Frobose

MARK FROBOSE is the founder of the Behind the Wheel series. A foreign language instructor for more than thirty years, he has built a career on “taking the foreign out of language.” He is a nationally recognized foreign language speaker, teacher, and author.

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