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Wild Bay
Saving Eddie
Right To The Top
Serie de libros electrónicos9 títulos

Historical Fiction

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Información sobre esta serie

Businesswoman, postmistress, mother of three, civic-minded citizen, and wife of Ben Franklin. Deborah Franklin was a MORE than capable founding mother. But our history books ignore or treat unkindly her contributions. She VERY MUCH wants to tell you her often neglected life story in Philadelphia during Colonial times. For many years at a stretch, she was often without her husband performing work for the family businesses. But it will take the cooperation of a young medium and the least of her direct descendants to do this. An honest,funny and warm historical retelling by a very capable founding mother not afraid to speak her mind at any moment.

Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Rough Awakening
Chapter 3: A Channeler's Unhappy Day
Chapter 4: Deb Franklin Makes her Presence Known
Chapter 5: Early Years & Sea Voyage (1705-1711)
Chapter 6: Deborah Before Ben (1712-1723)
Chapter 7 Ben Before Deborah 1(1706-1723)
Chapter 8 Ben Before Deborah 2 (1706-1723)
Chapter 9: Two Courtships and Marriages (1724-1731)
Chapter 10: Married Life & Children (1731-1743)
Chapter 11: Finding One's Way in World (1744-1756)
Chapter 12: Ben Away in England (1757-1762)
Chapter 13: Building Mr. Franklin's House (1763-7)
Chapter 14: Heartbreak,Life Alone & Decline (1763-1774)
Chapter 15: Aftermath (1774-1813)
Chapter 16: Running the Business (1730-1774)
Chapter 17: Questions and Answers
Chapter 18: Notes & References

EditorialJohn Blandly
Fecha de lanzamiento10 feb 2014
Wild Bay
Saving Eddie
Right To The Top

Títulos en esta serie (9)

  • Right To The Top


    Right To The Top
    Right To The Top

    Right To The Top is the second of two novels of historical fiction based on unique first-hand experience in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada that tells the continuing story of Richard Ap Meurig’s action adventures. Join him in his escapades as he seeks to right the wrongs of the past. The underlying lesson in both books is how you can come to terms with something that really bothers you whilst simultaneously gaining great personal satisfaction and benefits along the way. The best of both worlds! Or, looked at in another way, how you can endeavour to resolve a series of coincidences, puzzles, mysteries or most grave, serious issues in such a way that your work will maybe benefit others.(Disclaimer This book is a work of historical fiction and is not to be taken literally. If the reader sees similarities between characters in this work of fiction and people in real life, they should be thought of as merely coincidental.)

  • Wild Bay


    Wild Bay
    Wild Bay

    All is not as it seems to be!!! Wild Bay is a novel of historical fiction based on unique first-hand experience in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada that offers great lessons in how you can come to terms with something that really bothers you whilst simultaneously gaining great personal satisfaction and benefits along the way. The best of both worlds! Or, looked at in another way, how you can endeavour to resolve a series of coincidences, puzzles, mysteries or most grave, serious issues in such a way that your work will maybe benefit others.(Disclaimer This book is a work of historical fiction and is not to be taken literally. If the reader sees similarities between characters in this work of fiction and people in real life, they should be thought of as merely coincidental.)

  • Saving Eddie

    Saving Eddie
    Saving Eddie

    This is a fictionalized paranormal retelling of celebrated author Edgar Allan Poe's life using the imaginary journals/diaries of his real-life brother, Henry Poe and a female admirer that follows his activities mostly from afar. Can Edgar's ghostly brother use his one chance to save his brother's life from an unusual secret society and a fellow ghost? Or will the author's otherworldly gifts to see heaven, hell, and the world of Ideas be his undoing?

  • Killing Thoreau

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    Hallett German's tenth and most imaginative book about time travel is out. The story begins with the mysterious disappearance of eight students and two professors shortly after their last class of Organic Synthesis and the Transcendentalist Movement. "The Seminar" was no ordinary class and often reached cult-like fervor. To bring them back, three men decide to go back to Walden Pond to end Thoreau's life. Will they be successful doing so and rewrite history as we know it? Along the way, we learn more about Henry David's Thoreau's life against an unfolding battle between dueling genius inventor-scientists. From start to finish, we are taken on "one heck of a ride" using a dash of history, humor, and romance. A reserved seat to this adventure is waiting for you. Also includes three chapters from Selene Gracham.

  • Boston Wedding -Olivia Plymouth Series

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    Olivia Plymouth is officially in Boston for her sister's wedding. But once again she has a full plate -- balancing solving a colonial mystery, preparing for a marathon, giving a speech at a fashion school,and finding quality time with her boyfriend Richard. Will she triumph or be overwhelmed by the challenges? An enthralling humorous story as only Olivia can have.

  • Automatons for Peace -The Amazi Chronicles Book 1

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    Immerse yourself in the olden days of New York City, where a young man arrives hoping for a fresh start in life. A rapid succession of events unfold, leading him from the darkness into the light, from remorse to creating instruments for peace, from the toil of a sweatshop to establishing his own business designing high tech devices to make a positive difference in the world. He is way ahead of his time in creating a robotic human that not only sings his baby to sleep but can calm strife among opposing forces. An inspiring story of rebuilding one's life from the ruins of the past and the power of love in redirecting one's purpose.

  • How I Overcame My Inventor’s Block

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  • Missed Landing

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    This book is inspired by the transatlantic solo ballooning/sailing efforts of the 1960s and 1970s. In this alternative history recast at some uncertain future date, the "crossing curse" is still in effect and no one had been successful yet in completing this feat. The three Calvez brothers try to reach Europe as part of fulfilling their parents' dream. However, when success is in their grasp, they disappear in broad daylight never to be heard again. What happened to them is an intensive investigation to separate the myths of family stories with the dark secrets of the elusive truth. A tale of adventure, mystery, daring, and trying to succeed against overwhelming odds.

  • Her Time

    Her Time
    Her Time

    Businesswoman, postmistress, mother of three, civic-minded citizen, and wife of Ben Franklin. Deborah Franklin was a MORE than capable founding mother. But our history books ignore or treat unkindly her contributions. She VERY MUCH wants to tell you her often neglected life story in Philadelphia during Colonial times. For many years at a stretch, she was often without her husband performing work for the family businesses. But it will take the cooperation of a young medium and the least of her direct descendants to do this. An honest,funny and warm historical retelling by a very capable founding mother not afraid to speak her mind at any moment. Chapter 0: Introduction Chapter 1: Prologue Chapter 2: Rough Awakening Chapter 3: A Channeler's Unhappy Day Chapter 4: Deb Franklin Makes her Presence Known Chapter 5: Early Years & Sea Voyage (1705-1711) Chapter 6: Deborah Before Ben (1712-1723) Chapter 7 Ben Before Deborah 1(1706-1723) Chapter 8 Ben Before Deborah 2 (1706-1723) Chapter 9: Two Courtships and Marriages (1724-1731) Chapter 10: Married Life & Children (1731-1743) Chapter 11: Finding One's Way in World (1744-1756) Chapter 12: Ben Away in England (1757-1762) Chapter 13: Building Mr. Franklin's House (1763-7) Chapter 14: Heartbreak,Life Alone & Decline (1763-1774) Chapter 15: Aftermath (1774-1813) Chapter 16: Running the Business (1730-1774) Chapter 17: Questions and Answers Chapter 18: Notes & References


Llewelyn Pritchard

Llewelyn's collection of books include the Series: UK Travel and Tourism Travel Handbooks Photo Albums Illustrated Diaries about European Budget Short-Break Holidays The Port Hope Simpson Diaries 1969-70 Port Hope Simpson Mysteries The Voluntary Service Overseas in Labrador and "Hidden Gem" written in honour of the staff of an Oncology Unit within a General Hospital in the National Health Service (N.H.S) in the United Kingdom (U.K.) Llewelyn has worked with The Honourable Canadian Senator William (Bill) Rompkey, on writing the history of the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) in Labrador. This is what Bill wrote in his letter to the first get- together of the VSO teachers at Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire 1-3 August 2003, "...Labrador called to you and we are calling you now. I hope you will do what you can during these few days to fill in the Labrador record with your recollections and reflections. This too will be an important contribution to Labrador history. But mainly I hope you enjoy your time together. Llewelyn Pritchard has done a remarkable job in bringing you together. He is as shrewd as Holmes and as persistent as Poirot. He could even be a great Canadian! We owe him more than we can say. It's his event and I know it will be successful. All good wishes. Bill Rompkey"

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