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IA: The opportunities of a disruptive technology

IA: The opportunities of a disruptive technology

DeSantander te cuenta

IA: The opportunities of a disruptive technology

DeSantander te cuenta

22 minutos
12 abr 2023
Episodio de podcast


Artificial intelligence and applications like Chat GPT will change how we work and live. We are at the dawn of a technological development with transformative potential like we have never before seen. Do we know enough about the opportunities and challenges of this technology? How will it impact our daily lives? Or the various corporate and industrial sectors? To coincide with the launch of the Santander X Artificial Intelligence global challenge, in collaboration with Microsoft, Ovidio Cordero from Banco Santander’s communications team asks Jens Hansen, General Manager EMEA – Data and AI, to address these questions. As a reminder, all Santander Te Cuenta podcasts are available on Apple, Ivoox, Spotify, and YouTube.
12 abr 2023
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (36)

En «Santander te cuenta» profundizaremos sobre temas de actualidad, novedades y tendencias relacionadas con el Banco. Este podcast está pensado para nuestros empleados, pero abierto a todos los públicos.