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EP32 Akeel Jabber from Horizen Capital: Buying SaaS Companies. Starting or Building Companies? Hire Developers in Mexico?

EP32 Akeel Jabber from Horizen Capital: Buying SaaS Companies. Starting or Building Companies? Hire Developers in Mexico?

DeSoftware Como Servicio

EP32 Akeel Jabber from Horizen Capital: Buying SaaS Companies. Starting or Building Companies? Hire Developers in Mexico?

DeSoftware Como Servicio

26 minutos
28 ago 2020
Episodio de podcast


Welcome to episode 32 of the Software Como Servicio Podcast. Today this podcast will be in English with a special Guest from Canada Akeel Jabber he is the podcast host of SaaS District and Investment Director at Horizen Capital. They acquire and operate a portfolio of SaaS companies.

We talk in the Podcast about interesting topics like:

Starting or Buying Businesses?
Hiring Developers in Mexico? Pros and Cons
What is the main Advice that Akeel recommends Entrepreneurs that want to Start a SaaS Company in the Latinamerican Market?
28 ago 2020
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (94)

Aprenderás sobre la excitante industria de ingresos recurrentes con Software. Historias de fundadores de empresas de software, tips de internet marketing y recomendaciones de apps para crecer tu negocio. Soy Jorge Díaz y te doy la bienvenida al Podcast de Software Como Servicio.