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Ep.25 Access to you is a privilege

Ep.25 Access to you is a privilege

DeTravel to Grow Podcast

Ep.25 Access to you is a privilege

DeTravel to Grow Podcast

12 minutos
1 feb 2022
Episodio de podcast


Your life, energy and presence are a gift.  Who you choose to share your life with is extremely important. How you spend your life and your time has a direct relation with who you are, how you decide to experience life, and what you decide to create in this lifetime. Social Media has tricked us into believing everyone we are “friends” with is actually our friend.  And even if most of them are, we have to acknowledge that not everyone deserves a front seat to our private life. Keeping things for ourselves, as well as, not needing any external validation for every move we make, it´s a part of learning and practicing self-love. Social Media it’s a reflection on how we decide to portrait our life to others, sometimes with many filters. During this pandemic, we have been getting in contact with our friends on Social Media, which has also made more visible which relationships are matching our energy these days, and which are not. As we grow and evolve there will always be changes, and that’s perfectly normal. Practicing detachment, love and kindness to ALL will be very important as we move forward. But also, it would be very relevant that we learn to manage our energy with sharing time with the people that make us learn from them, have fun together, and enjoy life with them. Your life is precious, sacred, mystical, and it must be treated as such. First by yourself, and then, for the people that truly appreciate you for who you really are. Relationships are about watering, nurturing, loving each other, as we hold space to each other to GROW. Make sure you know what you deserve and don’t settle for anything less. We came here for a reason, each of us. And we have things to do. If we want to get them done, we have to have the right support group, the right people, and our soul tribe behind us. Self-awareness will be key, as much as self-acceptance and self-love. Onward, honey, we have sh*t to do. Much love, Karla Send me your comments on Instagram: @traveltogrowpodcast
1 feb 2022
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (42)

Este podcast busca inspirarte a viajar para crecer. Platicaremos sobre aciertos, errores, aprendizajes y recomendaciones de personas que ampliaron su visión del mundo y de sí mismos al atreverse a estudiar, trabajar o viajar en el extranjero.