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¡Leche chocolatada, por favor!: Celebrando La Diversidad on Empatía
¡Leche chocolatada, por favor!: Celebrando La Diversidad on Empatía
¡Leche chocolatada, por favor!: Celebrando La Diversidad on Empatía
Libro electrónico34 páginas0 minutos

¡Leche chocolatada, por favor!: Celebrando La Diversidad on Empatía

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While the other kids happily bound into the classroom, Gabe stands with his mother outside the door, timid and unsure about walking into school. That's because Gabe is the new kid at school and he doesn't speak English. Gabe is from another country. With English as a second language, starting school felt scary and intimidating. How would he know what to do? What would the other kids think? The teacher goes out of her way to make Gabe feel welcome and encourages the other kids to celebrate diversity with empathy. But that doesn't stop Johnny from going out of his way to be unkind. Chocolate Milk, Por Favor illustrates how actions speak louder than words and drives home the importance of celebrating diversity, kindness, inclusion, and empathy. Because no matter what language you speak, kindness is the universal language of all. Learn how to celebrate differences in this powerful story and discover how chocolate milk plays a major role in the discovery of the real universal language. Heartwarming and real! "Every child should read this book. It can help children understand their feelings when they meet someone different from themselves and help them find a common ground." — Verified Amazon review This book is the perfect complement to other books in your home or school library that focus on ESL, diversity, and empathy. Like the work of Bobbi Kates (We're Different, We're the Same - Sesame Street) and Shannon Olsen (Our Class is a Family). Maria Dismondy is a sought-after author, publisher, and public speaker. Although fictional, Chocolate Milk, Por Favor is based on a true story from Maria's own life. This book comes with a free Reader's Guide for children. The guide is available for free download from the Cardinal Rule Press website. Lesson plans, activities, and discussion questions to allow parents, teachers, and caregivers to explore the topic further and deepen comprehension.
Fecha de lanzamiento4 nov 2022
¡Leche chocolatada, por favor!: Celebrando La Diversidad on Empatía

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Diversidad y multiculturalidad para niños para usted

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    ¡Leche chocolatada, por favor! - Maria Dismondy

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