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La Vida Es Una Serie De Presentaciones En Vivo
La Vida Es Una Serie De Presentaciones En Vivo
La Vida Es Una Serie De Presentaciones En Vivo
Audiolibro1 hora

La Vida Es Una Serie De Presentaciones En Vivo

Escrito por Tony Jeary

Narrado por Tony Jeary

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Life really is a series of presentations. The better those presentations are, the better your life will be. With the help of his co-authors, Tony will teach you that, while the differences between a good and bad presentation may seem intangible, many of them can in fact be quantified. For example, all people – whether presenting to a conference or to their spouse – must approach their task in a state of preparedness, must know their audience, must make others want to listen to them, and must then be responsive to their audience. These goals sound so simple. Why don’t more folks achieve them? Well, it turns out that most people don’t know the Eight Essential Practices of Successful Presenters that you’ll learn in this work:
I: Involve your audience
P: Prepare your audience
R: Research your presentation arsenal
E: Explain “Why” before planning “How”
S: State management: achieve proper mental states
E: Eliminate unknowns and turn them into knowns
N: kNow your audience
T: Tailor the presentation throughout
The content of this audio will dramatically improve your ability to effectively communicate your ideas to individuals or to groups of any size in both your business and personal life. Grow confidence, gain more credibility, enhance respect, advance your career, grow your leadership abilities, execute more effectively, and drive results faster with clearer cascaded messages that inspire people to take action.
Fecha de lanzamiento5 may 2010
La Vida Es Una Serie De Presentaciones En Vivo

Tony Jeary

Tony Jeary, Mr. Presentation, personally coaches the world's top CEOs -- from such Fortune 500 companies as Ford, Wal-Mart, New York Life, EDS, and Qualcomm -- how to move towards Presentation Mastery.

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Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas

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