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Los Viajes de Gulliver
Los Viajes de Gulliver
Los Viajes de Gulliver
Audiolibro24 minutos

Los Viajes de Gulliver

Escrito por Jonathan Swift

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Información de este audiolibro

Lemuel Gulliver always dreamed of sailing across the seas, but he never imagined the places his travels would take him. His adventures could be the greatest tales ever told, if he survives long enough to tell them.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 mar 2013

Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) was an Irish poet and satirical writer. When the spread of Catholicism in Ireland became prevalent, Swift moved to England, where he lived and worked as a writer. Due to the controversial nature of his work, Swift often wrote under pseudonyms. In addition to his poetry and satirical prose, Swift also wrote for political pamphlets and since many of his works provided political commentary this was a fitting career stop for Swift. When he returned to Ireland, he was ordained as a priest in the Anglican church. Despite this, his writings stirred controversy about religion and prevented him from advancing in the clergy.

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