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La Emperatriz Y La Legenda De Foo Foo: Imperial Version English/Spanish
La Emperatriz Y La Legenda De Foo Foo: Imperial Version English/Spanish
La Emperatriz Y La Legenda De Foo Foo: Imperial Version English/Spanish
Audiolibro10 minutos

La Emperatriz Y La Legenda De Foo Foo: Imperial Version English/Spanish

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

he Empress and the Legend of Foo Foo is the first in the Legend of Foo Foo Series. Developed by a pediatric health psychologist and a school psychologist each book is designed to tell a story with a blend of history, folklore and enchantment. The Empress and the Legend of Foo Foo tells the story of Empress Cixi's favored pet the Pekingese and a back story of the legend of the Foo Dog. One of two origin books this children's series follows Foo Foo through history tying together children from multiple countries. Lavishly, illustrated by talented up and coming artist Martha Ivette Escobar during the Qing Dynasty the images will draw children and readers alike into the story. Enhanced the story jumps of the paper with multiple integrated pieces to delight all.

Fecha de lanzamiento21 oct 2020
La Emperatriz Y La Legenda De Foo Foo: Imperial Version English/Spanish

Cynthia Sambataro

Dr. Cynthia Sambataro holds a doctorate in clinical health psychology. Dr. Sambataro worked with children with disabilities and varying mental health issues. Now, retired Cynthia creates magical yet historical books for children. Often a blend of history, folklore, and fantasy the lavish illustrations transport the children and reader to historical settings with rich historical representations.

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