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About Birds/Sobre los pajaros: A Guide for Children/Una guia para ninos
About Birds/Sobre los pajaros: A Guide for Children/Una guia para ninos
About Birds/Sobre los pajaros: A Guide for Children/Una guia para ninos
Audiolibro25 minutos

About Birds/Sobre los pajaros: A Guide for Children/Una guia para ninos

Escrito por Cathryn Sill

Narrado por Alma Cuervo

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

This kid-friendly book offers a first thoughtful glimpse into the world of birds: from eggs to nests, from song to flight. In this delightful book, teacher and birder Cathryn Sill explains to children what birds are, what they do, and how they live. Accompanied by beautifully detailed illustrations from noted wildlife illustrator John Sill, About Birds is a first thoughtful glimpse into the world of birds, from eggs to nest, from songs to flight. Simple and enlightening, About Birds tells children what is essential for understanding and appreciating birds. An afterword provides further detail for youthful ornithologists and their parents regarding bird identification. About Birds will faithfully answer the first questions of young ornithologists and charm adults with the wonder and diversity of this important species.
Fecha de lanzamiento9 oct 2015
About Birds/Sobre los pajaros: A Guide for Children/Una guia para ninos

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Comentarios para About Birds/Sobre los pajaros

Calificación: 4.000000083333333 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoyed the book About Birds by Cathryn Sill. Even though this book is very simple I actually learned things I hadn't known from it. One reason I liked this book is its simplicity, it offered short sentences meant to enlighten. “Some birds build nests on the ground.” This was something I hadn't known and the simple sentence made it easy to take the information in. This book also labeled each bird it was talking about. Another reason I enjoyed this book were the detailed illustrations of various birds in their habitat. Although the sentences and facts were short the pictures were large and detailed. It allowed us to see the “Ovenbird” in its natural habitat of leaves and wood brush as it builds its nest on the ground. I really enjoyed the idea of a bird nest on the ground it fascinated me. The main idea for this book is to inform as it is an informational text.