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En busca de la felycidad (Pursuit of Happyness - Spanish Edition)
En busca de la felycidad (Pursuit of Happyness - Spanish Edition)
En busca de la felycidad (Pursuit of Happyness - Spanish Edition)
Audiolibro12 horas

En busca de la felycidad (Pursuit of Happyness - Spanish Edition)

Escrito por Chris Gardner

Narrado por Bob Borquez

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

A la edad de veinte años y después de haber salido de la Marina, Chris Gardner, llegó a San Francisco para continuar una carrera prometedora en la medicina. Considerado un hijo prodigio de la investigación científica, sorprendió a todos y a sí mismo estableciendo su punto de vista en el competitivo mundo de las finanzas. Sin embargo, apenas había entrado a una posición de gran nivel en una empresa de prestigio, Gardner se encontró atrapado en una red de circunstancias increíblemente difíciles que lo dejaron como parte de los ciudadanos sin hogar y con un hijo pequeño. Motivado por la promesa que se hizo a sí mismo de nunca abandonar a sus propios hijos, los dos pasaron casi un año moviéndose entre refugios, moteles, comedores públicos, e incluso dormir en el baño público de una estación de metro. Gardner nunca cedió ante la desesperación e hizo una transformación asombrosa pasando de ser parte de la ciudad pobre e invisible a convertirse en un miembro de gran influencia en su área financiera. Más que un libro de memorias del éxito financiero de Gardner, esta es la historia de un hombre que rompió el ciclo de su propia familia en contraste con hombres que abandonan a sus hijos. Legendario, triunfante e increíblemente honesto, este libro evoca a héroes como Horatio Alger y Antwone Fishe, y apela a la esencia del sueño americano.
Fecha de lanzamiento26 may 2015

Chris Gardner

Chris Gardner is the Chief Executive of Gardner Rich & Company, a multimillion-dollar brokerage with offices in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. An avid philanthropist and motivational speaker, Gardner is committed to many organizations—particularly those related to education—and was recently the recipient of the “Father of the Year Award” from the National Fatherhood Initiative. A Milwaukee native, Gardner has two children and resides in Chicago and New York.

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Calificación: 4.517241379310345 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Estaba ancioso de leer o escuchar este libro de hace años , gracias!! Lo necesitaba ,tal historia del Sr cris me da mucha fortalezas ya que soy tambien soy un padre solteron, viudo y si el puedo alcanzar su felicidad en medio de tantas dificultades yo tambien .
    Aprendi a que cada paso en la vida cuenta ,por muy pequeño que parezca , que hay que aprender cada dia de la vida , como el conto el conocimiento es poder . Que hay que enfocarse en lo que se quiere sin mirar atras y que la felicydad no es el dinero sino poder ayudar ayudar a otros es lo que el queria, en su trayectoria vida ,y yo tambien gracias por execelente audio.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente audio libro tan detallado, y lleno de verdades vividas.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    conmovedora de principio a fin me encanto hasta el fin
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A good book but not great. It was very slow and boring in many parts. Seems like he spent a huge amount of time on his childhood and not alot on his adult hood. I am still amazed that he went from rags to riches and give him credit for achieving that. Movie was just ok--left out alot from the book
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A Good Read, But Not the Father of the Century I'd Heard He WasGardner's story is interesting and worth reading just to see the leap from where he came from to where he took himself.It was not, however, at all what I expected given the fanfare surrounding this guy as Father of the Century. I was surprised to find that the vast majority of their time on the streets was due to his choice to pursue his own stable of clients rather than work under an experienced broker.At least he's honest -- he openly admits that he cheated on his wife, that they were homeless because he wouldn't work for the established brokers, and that he gave his son to the son's mother and moved to New York City to make even bigger bucks (getting his son back a year or two later, I believe).
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Very interesting insight to a truly inspiring success story. Chris Gardner tells a very sad story of his life but shows that determination and will power can turn anyone's life around.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This was an incredible story of hard work and patience in the face of adversity. A lot to be learned here. I don't think his strong suit is writing books though.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I was uneasy going into this book. The movie made Gardner to be an American hero, moving up from homelessness into riches. The full story as Gardner tells it is much more grim. I won’t itemize Gardner’s list of crimes, but it’s enough to say, I think, that the movie omits or glosses over most of the shadier events of his life. And, no, as you might expect, even with a writer helping him, Gardner is not good at setting down the story of his life. I was left with the feeling that Gardner is just a man who wanted to become rich and did so. His greatest accomplishment was to do this without tossing aside his kids when it would have been easy to do so.