Runner's World España


t’s something vitally important that many of my nonrunning friends have never heard of, and yet it’s my primary consideration when entering a race. No, it’s not loo provision, although as a fiftysomething, my days of dipping down for a pee behind blades of grass are long gone. It’s the ‘C-word’. Cut-offs. And when you fall foul of them, they can ruin your race. I’ve only

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O Canada! Here’s A Race With Grit And Grace
IT’S -4°C, BUT THE WIND CHILL TAKES THE TEMPERATURE down to -9°C. I’m wearing a thermal undershirt, running top, windbreaker, gloves, snood, layered shorts and long socks. Welcome to the Around the Bay 30K (ATB) in Hamilton, Ontario. The first ATB to
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Richard E Grant
I GREW UP IN SWAZILAND (NOW ESWATINI), IN SOUTH-EAST AFRICA. My childhood was spent running. At home. At school. Everywhere. There were no televisions in the country, so that definitely helped. No temptation to be a couch potato. AS A CHILD, I WAS VE
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