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Between 1963 and the beginning of 1964, the Beatles were like a roller coaster, where the ride had forgotten about the descent and instead only continued moving upwards, ascending at a devilish pace that seemed to have no end in sight.“ At the beginning of 1963, along with Please, Please Me carne a brief burst of notoriely for them because of their clothes and hairstyles […]. By the end of that year, they had performed at the London Palladium and the Royal Variety Show, and no London newspaper that cared about their circulation dared printa negative comment about them,“ writes Philip Norman in his nearly 800-page biography of Paul McCartney. But that was nothing compared to what awaited them in Noríh America, where they travelled on February 9 of the following year.timed jokes; the siege of the Plaza Hotel; the appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show before a nationwide audience of sevenly million people during which not a single crime occurred in any of New York City's one hundred boroughs“ These four guys from Liverpool were capable of paralyzing a nation, blocking a city or unleashing a health emergency through fainting, lipotimias, fights and broken bones…

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