Más de Runner's World España

Runner's World España1 min. leídos
Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) is getting more sophisticated by the day – but is it ready to be your running coach? Well, a group of researchers ‘invented’ a runner who was training twice a week and then asked ChatGPT for a six-week training plan that
Runner's World España4 min. leídos
O Canada! Here’s A Race With Grit And Grace
IT’S -4°C, BUT THE WIND CHILL TAKES THE TEMPERATURE down to -9°C. I’m wearing a thermal undershirt, running top, windbreaker, gloves, snood, layered shorts and long socks. Welcome to the Around the Bay 30K (ATB) in Hamilton, Ontario. The first ATB to
Runner's World España2 min. leídos
Ancient Wisdom?
THE PALEO DIET encourages us to eat only the food that our ancestors consumed 3m years ago. Among other things, that means no grains or dairy. A new paper* looked into this diet and found that, far from following one particular diet, our hunter-gathe

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