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The Creator's war against the current world: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4
The son of high magic surrounding the elect: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4
The Shedim's attack on the dimensional portals: Aliens and parallel worlds, #1
Serie de libros electrónicos11 títulos

Aliens and parallel worlds

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Trabajar el estudio de los grandes secretos del universo que interactúan en la tierra para generar el Apocalipsis.

Cosmos y dimensiones es la acción de los mundos paralelos que influyen en nuestras vidas, nuestra cada acto.

Cosmos y dimensiones.
Sabe este libro electrónico, el Apocalipsis ha comenzado.

No estamos solos en el universo, cada una de nuestras acto está vinculado a una serie de factores.

Las dimensiones están por todas partes, son un tejido de mundos y jerarquías que impregnan la tierra que influenciados por las energías sutiles.

Podemos sentir estas energías en los sueños, pesadillas, visiones y viajes astrales.

Hay una variedad de mundos y dimensiones dentro del alcance de aquel que entra en el camino de la Cabalá sabe secretos ocultos del universo.

Hay una guerra oculta entre los ángeles y dragones para el control de la tierra y de todo el universo.

Esta guerra se informa en Apocalipsis 12.

Yeshua ya tiene la clave de la victoria, pero por desgracia, pero el 90% de la humanidad no acepta, que fortalece las fuerzas del caos que controlan y masacrando el planeta.

Averiguar lo que está pasando en el mundo.
Conocer este trabajo.

El apocalipsis ha comenzado.

Fecha de lanzamiento27 dic 2022
The Creator's war against the current world: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4
The son of high magic surrounding the elect: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4
The Shedim's attack on the dimensional portals: Aliens and parallel worlds, #1

Títulos en esta serie (11)

  • The Shedim's attack on the dimensional portals: Aliens and parallel worlds, #1


    The Shedim's attack on the dimensional portals: Aliens and parallel worlds, #1
    The Shedim's attack on the dimensional portals: Aliens and parallel worlds, #1

    She felt the claws of death and the pain she felt was terrible, it was the pain of souls who left without the light and now wandered in a dark labyrinth awaiting resurrection. There was no one in those halls, only the dead, only the poignant emptiness of death, the intrepid emptiness that pierced her kidneys and threatened her soul, however she felt that the Mausoleum was filled with demons or Shedim as already mentioned. A sensitive cannot go to the cemetery, because like a sponge he absorbs all the pain and suffering, attracting the Dibbuks that feed on the plasma of souls, animated by magic and operated by Shedim. Imei continued walking through the corridors and actually wanted to get away from that place of pain, but she couldn't leave the place without knowing what she was doing there, what her mission was, why she had been attracted to that intercourse of pain and emptiness. She let herself be guided by her conscious mind and suddenly she saw a sinister corridor where there was a gust of cold wind and heard the murmurs of trapped and obsessive souls. Imei noticed that that corridor had burnt out lamps unlike the others that were lit. She dove down the dark corridor and stopped in front of a grave with fresh flowers, perhaps a recent burial. She felt that she had to open that drawer, I mentioned tomb, but in fact it was a funerary drawer, a cold stone urn to receive the coffin of the loved one. Imei looked for an iron bar and started to break open the drawer. When she opened it she nearly fainted, for the rotten smell was profound, the corpse was still decomposing, it hadn't turned into bones. She struggled to pull out the mahogany casket, finished with ebony, all expensive wood showing that the corpse came from a wealthy family. She saw the plaque of the deceased, Lavinia Dantas, before opening the coffin. With the coffin open the smell was unbearable, but Imei dominated her instincts picking up some letters that she saw lying on the corpse's back.

  • The Creator's war against the current world: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4


    The Creator's war against the current world: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4
    The Creator's war against the current world: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4

    The world is going through changes and the calendar of the Kabbalists shows that the cycle of the Apocalypse is being fulfilled. There was an error in the Hebrew calendar, a deliberate error created by Rabbi Akiva and correcting this error in the year 2030, the 6,000-year cycle closes and the earth enters the sabbatical millennium, which according to the rabbis will be a new era for all humanity. The current clashes in the world show that the Apocalypse is approaching. The biggest sign of the end is the confrontation in Ukraine, as the Russians are the Gog and Magog of the Apocalypse who will devastate the world and bring the Dajjal to the central government of the world. It is being fulfilled now and there is no other way but the Apocalypse. Nature is reacting to man's madness and never before has there been such intense cold and such violent storms generated by this cold in the northern hemisphere. All this is the planet's reaction to the destruction caused by man. The Coronavirus Pandemic was also another sign of the Apocalypse, as Yeshua cited the plagues as a great sign of the end. Even with all these signs many are sleeping in the churches and will be taken by surprise when the Dajjal or Antichrist takes over the world. He is already in the Middle East waiting for the time to reveal himself to the world and then the world will tremble. When the Dajjal reigns, a confrontation will ensue across the planet against those who reject the mark of Project 666 instituted by the Dajjal. The Antichrist already sits on the soul of the earth and with that the end approaches, but the Creator will also fight against this impure world sending the plagues of the Apocalypse.

  • The son of high magic surrounding the elect: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4


    The son of high magic surrounding the elect: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4
    The son of high magic surrounding the elect: Aliens and parallel worlds, #4

    Corpus's strength was in death meditation, in Draconian Kabbalah. Meditating he managed to throw a terrible cloud of demons into the life of the person possessing him. He also used conjuration, which is the magic word spoken obeying rites and incantations, but meditation was enough for him to destroy a person. In meditation he monitored various elect in the world. The process took place as follows. While he was meditating on one of his bases, the name or image of an elect came into his mind and then he knew that that elect was strong with the light and was going to harm the chaos. It was time to start doing spoken spells, but also to meditate to destroy that being of light that bothered the darkness... All scorpions practice this type of meditation, as it is the battle of light against chaos, in their case of darkness against light, as it is written in the Essene war manuscript found in the Dead Sea scrolls. The Essenes foresaw this war of the end generated by the 144,000 elect of light against the 144,000 elect of chaos. The scorpions want to create a group of 144,000 elect of chaos, but they are too possessed to complete the number, so this mystical number is completed by elect of chaos from other Orders not only of the Yellow Horse of the Apocalypse, also of the Black, Red Horse it's white. The incarnations of chaos are on earth to fight against La Prima Vita, the essence of divine light, the celestial firstfruits, 144,000 elect of light on earth and it is these that Corpus and his friends want to destroy. As one of the 144,000 elect of chaos Corpus had an important role, as there are 144,000 parallel universes and one of these universes is represented by him. He could enter the person's room through the threshold and the person could not see it and for that he used the mirrors, but usually Corpus stayed in front of the person's house meditating using a vehicle that was not always of this world. He could also meditate on the roof of one's house or anywhere where there was more magnetism, as he used teleportation to go where he wanted.

  • Os filhos de Abadom invadirão a terra: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13


    Os filhos de Abadom invadirão a terra: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13
    Os filhos de Abadom invadirão a terra: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13

    Todos os exércitos da terra e de Abadom não serão páreo para a fúria dos anjos e a terra vai tremer, todas as cidades serão movidas de lugar, ilhas e montanhas vão fumegar, o mar vai invadir as cidades e desta destruição surgirá um paraíso chamado de reino milenar quando Yeshua reinar. A palavra Abadom quer dizer pai do Abismo e é o nome de um demônio, mas acima de tudo o nome de vários povos que vivem no abismo. Mas o que é o abismo? No livro de Enoch está claro que nosso mundo é a terceira dimensão, a primeira dimensão é onde estão os anjos que mantém nosso mundo e a segunda em oposição é ocupada por anjos do caos ou abismo. O grande abismo é Abadom, tanto o nome de um demônio como destes seres do caos. Isso quer dizer que abismo é mais do que um vácuo, um vazio, é um universo contrário ao nosso, um universo do caos, uma força que sempre vai lutar contra a luz. O mundo hoje é regido pelo Príncipe das Trevas, ou rei do abismo. O pecado dominou a terra e por isso vem às pragas como a pandemia. Yah prometeu dar a terra de presente à geração de Davi e isso vai acontecer através de Yeshua filho de Davi, mas antes disso ser real os filhos de Abadom vão invadir nosso mundo e lutar aqui. O confronto será terrível... Os bichos do inferno e seres do abismo virão pelejar em nosso mundo e com a marca da Besta eles farão uma simbiose total com quem tiver a marca convertendo a pessoa em um zumbi do caos. Os filmes e séries de zumbis em breve serão realidade quando ocorrer à terrível invasão do nosso mundo. É claro que eles não ficarão deformados como no cinema, o controle será interno, na alma, almas sugadas e devoradas e DNA replicado surgindo um filho de Abadom dentro da pessoa. Tu vai olhar para a pessoa e verá algo estranho no rosto dela, um semblante diferente, mas o resto será como todo humano. Só que a alma esta pessoa já foi devorada por Abadom e sua casca ou corpo será um veículo da escuridão e usado na guerra contra o Criador, a guerra do Harmagedom. E quando o exército do caos, humanos dominados por Abadom, marchar contra Jerusalém só os anjos do Eterno poderão salvar nosso mundo da escuridão eterna. E então os anjos lutarão fisicamente e aí a terra vai tremer e o mundo conhecerá porque o nome de Yah mais famoso é Senhor dos Exércitos. Quando os exércitos celestiais se alinharem para a batalha os poderosos deste mundo serão pisados como a lama das ruas e de nada vai adiantar a sua prata e o seu ouro. Mas até esta libertação acontecer os filhos de Abadom vão devorar o planeta e muita gente vai perecer.      

  • Mapifisa Stumagesi a Vampira Assassina: Aliens and parallel worlds, #9


    Mapifisa Stumagesi a Vampira Assassina: Aliens and parallel worlds, #9
    Mapifisa Stumagesi a Vampira Assassina: Aliens and parallel worlds, #9

    Ela olhou além a mata sinistra e os pântanos sombrios e isso a deixou assustada, pois se lembrou de uma parte de sua vida que ela queria esquecer. Ela sofria de amnésia retrógrada e parcial, uma espécie de defesa para abafar seu passado sombrio, mas sons, cheiros, a visão da mata e dos pântanos diante da noite pálida despertava uma lembrança sombria que corroia seu ser. Stumagesi se lembrou de algo que aconteceu no passado, o sangue quente na boca e o namorado se esvaindo, morrendo, enquanto ela lambia e sugava seu sangue. Ela tentou afastar aquela lembrança sombria, mas ao mesmo tempo ela sabia que não podia sufocar seu passado e entendia que aquilo tinha acontecido com ela. Então ela era uma vampira? Talvez no passado fosse e ela sabia que tinha matado mais pessoas, mas não se lembrava quais e quantas e isso aumentava sua dor e ela tinha medo dela mesmo, de voltar a matar. Ela tentou se lembrar de mais coisas para quem sabe bloquear aquele surto assassino no presente e se lembrou que tinha corrido por uma rua iluminada pela luz elétrica e se escondeu numa garagem deixando o namorado que tinha matado. Ela dormiu naquela garagem suja de sangue e no dia seguinte o sogro atual dela o achou dormindo entre tratores e caminhonetes. Ele perguntou o que tinha acontecido ao ver o sangue e ela disse que sofrera abusos e maus tratos. O sogro a levou ao hospital e o seu marido atual a visitou e logo surgiu um romance forte.

  • The Anunakkis are Returning to Dominate our Planet: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13


    The Anunakkis are Returning to Dominate our Planet: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13
    The Anunakkis are Returning to Dominate our Planet: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13

    The Anunakki who controlled the Sumerian civilization and other civilizations on earth posing as gods are an important piece for us to understand Ufology, but where did they go after the destruction of Iraqi Babylon, which was one of the last focuses of their influence on earth? They accompanied various civilizations on Earth over millennia and now return to our world with the curvature of Planet X's orbit towards Earth. The Anunakis have the ability to get closer to humans, as they are hybrids with reptilians. Just like the Greys, the Anunakis have bodies little different from ours, which is why they were used by the Dragon to control the human race, just as the Grays are used today. They were banished from the earth by the Elohim, who protect our world, but they always returned and now the way is clear again with the Apocalypse and the rise of the Dajjal over the earth. Dajjal is a peculiar person, he is the son of the Devil on earth, just as Adonai had his son, the evil one did not want to be left behind and created his son on our world. The world is now heading towards an immense vacuum. The land will be handed over for 7 years into the hands of the Devil's son, Dajjal. He is hidden today in Syria, just like that meteor, the sol invictus, which was found by Rome and taken from Syria to Rome to preside over the entire Roman empire, becoming the central God of Rome, so the Antichrist will be taken from Syria to the world. The black stone, which was called sol invictus, as the Romans believed it came from the sun, was the center of sun worship in Rome and later gave rise to Sunday worship, placing Saturday in the background. Constantine, when he was fighting to unify the Empire of the East and the West, saw a luminous cross in the sky illuminated by the sun on the Mulvian bridge and linked it with Sol Invictus, uniting Christianity with the Roman solar religion, with this he supposedly bowed to Christianity and placed the sun and Sunday as the center of their worship.

  • Hybrid and Incoming: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13


    Hybrid and Incoming: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13
    Hybrid and Incoming: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13

    Because I want you to know how great conflict I have for you, and for those at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; So that their hearts may be comforted, being knit together in love and riches of fullness intelligence, mystery to the knowledge of God the Father and Christ, In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this so no one deceive you with persuasive words. For though I be absent in the flesh, yet, in spirit I am with you, Rejoicing and seeing your order and the firmness of your faith in Christ. As ye have therefore received Jesus Cristo the Lord, so walk in Him, Col. 2: 1-6 The fullness in the original Greek text is pleroma, the full power and divine mystery. Paul tells this text that in spirit he visits the faithful of Laodicea proving the spiritual warfare outside the body that elected the Golden Triangle lock against the forces of chaos. Most of humanity does not understand this struggle in spiritual body, but the divine Pleroma of perfection, his father's marriage and son, go to the elected powers for this fight out of the body as Paul fought. It is important to understand the fullness of this divine power, this pleroma, to understand this work in novel form.

  • The Angelic Magic of the Pineal Gland: Aliens and parallel worlds, #16


    The Angelic Magic of the Pineal Gland: Aliens and parallel worlds, #16
    The Angelic Magic of the Pineal Gland: Aliens and parallel worlds, #16

    The Pineal gland has a big secret. She is connected to the soul and angelic hierarchies. Using the meditation shown in this work you can create powerful magic activating the various powers of the spirit world over the Pineal. Discover this fantastic secret in this work. I know you'll love it. The work gives you access to the angelic world through the pineal gland working with the angels of the 6 hierarchies or 6 points of the hexagon.

  • O Processo de Reprodução e Controle do Mundo Pelos Alienígenas: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13


    O Processo de Reprodução e Controle do Mundo Pelos Alienígenas: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13
    O Processo de Reprodução e Controle do Mundo Pelos Alienígenas: Aliens and parallel worlds, #13

    Em breve este reino será físico, mas já podemos sentir ele na alma. Este livro denuncia as abduções, se você é amante da ufologia e acha que os aliens são bonzinhos não leia o livro. Nós sabemos que um terço dos aliens são maus e estão fazendo experiências com a espécie humana. Este livro não é ufologia científica e sim aborda o apocalipse e a conspiração. Já podemos sentir na alma o poder do sangue do Mashiach, o selo da vida eterna, o selo do alfa e do Omega, do princípio e do fim de todas as coisas. É isso o que torna a vida na terra tão especial e por isso povos de várias partes do cosmos estudam nosso mundo, como o povo de Yarden fazia. Nós somos especiais no cosmos por causa da descida do sangue santo entre nós, uma alma de luz que desceu ao físico e se encarnou numa mulher mudando o equilíbrio de forças no universo. Quando nossa terra for purificada nós conquistaremos vários mundos do cosmos por causa deste sangue santo, mas os Greys e reptilianos não querem isso. Por isso eles estão empenhados em criar a raça híbrida colocando o DNA da escuridão entre nós para combater o DNA da luz.

  • The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14


    The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14
    The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14

    Gremuel accompanied her for a while from afar as she walked among the ruins. He wanted to see her and taste her victim. Gremuel wanted to study her every movement, every step, every movement of her lips, every whisper and even every breath. He spent some time monitoring her as she looked for wild strawberries in the ruins, but after a while he decided to act. Gremuel ran towards her and when she saw the Scorpion tried to run away, he started to run. She wore a long black and white dress and had long, silky hair. She was not beautiful, but her face was picturesque and her steps showed that she was tough in endurance. Gremuel passed her and swept her to the ground. The girl crashed between the stones, injuring herself and becoming unresponsive. The fall was terrible, as the scorpion's attack was supernatural, very powerful and intense. She felt that some bones in her body had been broken by the blow and the fall and she began to moan. This increased Scorpio's thirst for blood, he wanted to drink every drop of her blood and every drop of her soul plasm.

  • Cosmos Y Dimensiones: Aliens and parallel worlds, #17


    Cosmos Y Dimensiones: Aliens and parallel worlds, #17
    Cosmos Y Dimensiones: Aliens and parallel worlds, #17

      Trabajar el estudio de los grandes secretos del universo que interactúan en la tierra para generar el Apocalipsis. Cosmos y dimensiones es la acción de los mundos paralelos que influyen en nuestras vidas, nuestra cada acto. Cosmos y dimensiones. Sabe este libro electrónico, el Apocalipsis ha comenzado. No estamos solos en el universo, cada una de nuestras acto está vinculado a una serie de factores. Las dimensiones están por todas partes, son un tejido de mundos y jerarquías que impregnan la tierra que influenciados por las energías sutiles. Podemos sentir estas energías en los sueños, pesadillas, visiones y viajes astrales. Hay una variedad de mundos y dimensiones dentro del alcance de aquel que entra en el camino de la Cabalá sabe secretos ocultos del universo. Hay una guerra oculta entre los ángeles y dragones para el control de la tierra y de todo el universo. Esta guerra se informa en Apocalipsis 12. Yeshua ya tiene la clave de la victoria, pero por desgracia, pero el 90% de la humanidad no acepta, que fortalece las fuerzas del caos que controlan y masacrando el planeta. Averiguar lo que está pasando en el mundo. Conocer este trabajo. El apocalipsis ha comenzado.

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