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''Knowing how to concentrate is more decisive for a child than his IQ'', Daniel Goleman

''Knowing how to concentrate is more decisive for a child than his IQ'', Daniel Goleman

DeBBVA Aprendemos juntos 2030

''Knowing how to concentrate is more decisive for a child than his IQ'', Daniel Goleman

DeBBVA Aprendemos juntos 2030

28 minutos
11 ene 2019
Episodio de podcast


Considered to be one of the most influential psychologists of recent times, Daniel Goleman burst onto the international scene as the best-selling author of 'Emotional Intelligence'. Goleman maintains that we should teach our children how to practice and develop emotional intelligence. The psychologist stresses the fundamental importance that our ability to focus our attention plays in today's world, either as a way to practice self-control, to improve our ability to empathize with others, or better understand the world around us, and so there are benefits to training it: "Attention is like a muscle. if we don't use it, it gets weak: if we exercise it, it gets strong." he declares.
11 ene 2019
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

Un proyecto de educación para una vida mejor. En BBVA creemos que la educación es la gran oportunidad para mejorar la vida de las personas. Nuestra misión es involucrar a toda la sociedad en el reto de que cada niño encuentre su pasión y desarrolle su máximo potencial. Todos somos niños a la hora de aprender. Aprendemos Juntos, un proyecto de BBVA en colaboración con El País y Santillana.