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Emotional Health

Emotional Health


Emotional Health


46 minutos
11 nov 2021
Episodio de podcast


Welcome to another episode of AMORTE  where we talk about Death Education,holding a compassionate vision to help us navigate through loss and end of life care.Today our guest is Adriana Reid.She was born and raised in Mexico City and has resided in San Diego, CA since 2008. She has an MBA in Education, specialized in Family Counseling and Human Software Engineering. After years of bouncing around in a survival mode to provide emotionally and financially for her 3 sons as a single mother, she is now privileged to be focused on her heart’s passion as the founder of Be2Be-Coaching, Inc. dedicated to helping humans live their lives in a fulfilling and easier way.In her background there are a lot of hours dedicated to families, helping children and adults overcome crisises and difficult situations by teaching them emotional self-sufficiency practices and techniques that she gathered along the way on her own healing journey. Among her favorites are, the pioneering field of Human Software Engineering which helps her understand and resolve blockages at the pre-verbal stages of human conditioning; probably the most important piece is that it determines the skills and abilities we have to resolve our inner conflicts and excel in life.Be2Be-Coaching principles -decode, recode, and reprogram, are directed to help clients find blockages, provide effective resolution to problems and/or challenges, regardless of the circumstances, and allow them to gain their power back to co-create and manifest their heartfelt desires.“In a World of doers – Be” -AdrianaFind out why emotional health and support is so important to process grief and help us to prepare for a good death.Adriana offers five 45 minutes lessons based on her work as a Human Software Engineer and Be2Be-Coaching, Inc. principles and foundations.When did we forget to be human beings?The origins of our human nature and the Do – Have paradigmThe basics of our human software?Our human operative system – An analogy with how computers work. There is a way to access our stored memories and change them.Getting to know your humanThe 4 levels of our wellbeing – Bio Physical, Biochemical, Bio Energetic, and Bio AwarenessIn contact with your inner voice Inner voice vs. mind chatter or mental interference | what are the voices in our heads made of and how to listen to them so that they work in our favor, not against us.How do I create my reality?The two forces behind our perception of reality | Why problems exist? and how can I untangle my reality?You can connect with her:https://be2be-coaching.cominstagram: @be2be_coachingI hope you enjoy this episodecon mucho AMORtePatty Bueno
11 nov 2021
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (75)

Hablemos de la muerte con amor. Soy Patty Bueno. Logoterapeuta, Tanatóloga, maestra de la organización Morir Conscientemente, Radical Living MasterCoach y guía de ceremonias. Amorte es un espacio para juntarnos a hablar sobre la muerte con amor, como parte de la vida misma, desde ángulos que normalmente no vemos, temas que normalmente no tocamos, con invitados que nos comparten experiencias vividas y expertos que nos hablan sobre distintas visiones, ceremonias y rituales de vida y muerte, desde datos científicos hasta legales, médicos y psicológicos que nos ayudan a comprender los aspectos físicos, mentales y espirituales del proceso de morir. Es una propuesta abierta a cualquier filosofía y conocimiento, para estar informados y saber qué hacer cuando llegue el momento de encontrarnos con la muerte, ya sea frente a frente o bien a través de un ser querido. Bienvenidos a Amorte. Conoce más en