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La Duquesa Y El Joyero
La Duquesa Y El Joyero
La Duquesa Y El Joyero
Audiolibro24 minutos

La Duquesa Y El Joyero

Escrito por Virginia Woolf

Narrado por Jose Peciña

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

La duquesa y el joyero (The duchess and the jeweller) es un magnífico relato corto de Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), sobre el tenso encuentro entre una duquesa y Oliver Bacon, el joyero más rico de la zona, que tiene lugar en la joyería de éste último. Un maravilloso, elegante y cautivador encuentro entre ambos, amigos y enemigos a partes iguales, en el que lucharán verbalmente por sus propios intereses.
Este audiolibro cuenta, además de la narración, con diferentes efectos de sonido y canciones, utilizando una edición cuidada, llena de estímulos, para introducirte en esta fascinante historia de la manera más original, elegante y cautivadora posible.
Fecha de lanzamiento11 ago 2022
La Duquesa Y El Joyero

Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English novelist. Born in London, she was raised in a family of eight children by Julia Prinsep Jackson, a model and philanthropist, and Leslie Stephen, a writer and critic. Homeschooled alongside her sisters, including famed painter Vanessa Bell, Woolf was introduced to classic literature at an early age. Following the death of her mother in 1895, Woolf suffered her first mental breakdown. Two years later, she enrolled at King’s College London, where she studied history and classics and encountered leaders of the burgeoning women’s rights movement. Another mental breakdown accompanied her father’s death in 1904, after which she moved with her Cambridge-educated brothers to Bloomsbury, a bohemian district on London’s West End. There, she became a member of the influential Bloomsbury Group, a gathering of leading artists and intellectuals including Lytton Strachey, John Maynard Keynes, Vanessa Bell, E.M. Forster, and Leonard Woolf, whom she would marry in 1912. Together they founded the Hogarth Press, which would publish most of Woolf’s work. Recognized as a central figure of literary modernism, Woolf was a gifted practitioner of experimental fiction, employing the stream of consciousness technique and mastering the use of free indirect discourse, a form of third person narration which allows the reader to enter the minds of her characters. Woolf, who produced such masterpieces as Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando (1928), and A Room of One’s Own (1929), continued to suffer from depression throughout her life. Following the German Blitz on her native London, Woolf, a lifelong pacifist, died by suicide in 1941. Her career cut cruelly short, she left a legacy and a body of work unmatched by any English novelist of her day.

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