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El misterio de la casa amarilla (Spanish Edition)
El misterio de la casa amarilla (Spanish Edition)
El misterio de la casa amarilla (Spanish Edition)
Audiolibro3 horas

El misterio de la casa amarilla (Spanish Edition)

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Una clasica historia de niños se encuentra en español. Henry, Jessie, Violet, y Benny Alden discubren que un misterio rodea la casa amarilla y agotada en la Isla Sorpresa. Los niños encuentran una carta y otros recaudos que los puede guiar en huella del hombre que se fué de la casa.
EditorialOasis Audio
Fecha de lanzamiento2 may 2017
El misterio de la casa amarilla (Spanish Edition)

Gertrude Chandler Warner

Gertrude Chandler Warner (1890–1979) was an American author who specialized in children's literature. The Boxcar Children is her most well-known work, as she went on to write eighteen more books in the series. The series became so popular, that it continues on today.

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Calificación: 3.79022998908046 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Reason for Reading: This is part of my Random Bookshelf Reading project. I'm also working on re-reading this series and collecting the first 19.Yellow House follows the established pattern of the first two books and yet also branches out a bit. The children go back to Surprise Island and end up on an adventure that has them roughing it and living outdoors, camping, canoeing and taking care of themselves, as usual. The children are a bit older this time with both Henry and Jessie in high school, Violet 12 and Benny 7, making the book suitable for a wide range of ages at the time it was written. The new character picked up in the last book joins in as an important member of the cast of characters. Yellow House is the first time the series really brings us a mystery, as the first two really only dealt with mysterious people, whose identities the children figured out by the end of the book, though others knew the secret. This time somewhat in the same vein but still different we have a missing persons case and the children find clues and search out the long lost person. For an adult the mystery is weak and unbelievable but as a first introduction to the genre it is a fun romp and I have to admit to thoroughly enjoying myself with the read. The amiable, well-mannered children of yester-year who love to play outside are a breath of fresh air themselves. Both my boys enjoyed these books so I know they are still appealing to today's kids and I think it's because of the freedom the Alden children have to wander far and wide in the outdoors with minimum adult supervision; something virtually unknown to this generation in today's modern world. This book also brings about the first time the children refer to themselves as the "Boxcar Children". The book concludes with another addition to the Alden family household and I think we probably have our full cast of regular characters set for further novels. A strong book in the series.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This book is clearly the one where Warner clarified where she was going with the series. The focus is off the relationships and the plot takes a clear turn towards mystery-solving. It's not quite Bobbsey Twins level yet, but getting there. That said, my kids thoroughly enjoyed it and I started to relive that excitement this kind of gentle mystery brings to the under-10 set.