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Enter Projects Asia, Thailand's most sustainable architecture studio, is best known for incorporating nature into urban contexts, creating fluid, organic architecture that combines regional craftsmanship and local materials with the latest three-dimensional design technologies.

At the forefront of technology-assisted three-dimensional design, Enter Projects Asia is Thailand's most sustainable architectural practice. Integrity in production and finishes based on unconventional materials has earned the firm an international reputation that has grown steadily since its launch in Phuket. For Patrick Keane, its founder, architecture is a way of life. He moved with his family from Australia, his native country and where the previous headquarters were located, for a large ecological planning project in Thailand. And that is where he has stayed ever since. No wonder, since the architect has already lived on all five continents. It is precisely his international background and Anglo-Indian heritage that allows him to draw from the local culture and establish a network of creativity for each project.

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