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Aníbal Bueno: “I document and try not only not to intervene, but also not to judge.”

Aníbal Bueno is a photographer with a science background. With a degree in computer engineering and a doctorate in molecular biology, his fields of study and research were bioinformatics, systems biology, computer analysis of DNA sequences for cancer research and more. He came to photography through travel: “I was working at the University of Malaga as a researcher and I began to travel to the African continent during the holidays. With each trip my curiosity about the cultures that live there increased, but when I returned I felt that I lacked the tools to capture the wonderful things I had experienced, so I bought a camera. I took the leap in 2015, when I decided to change careers, leave science—at least laboratory science—and enroll in a master's degree in travel journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. That's how I focused my profession towards travel and anthropological photography and started documenting minority cultures with my camera.”

Like all life changes, this one was also not without uncertainty and anxiety:

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