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White Paper by6 min. leídosArchitecture
La Casa (victoriana) Reformateada
El encargo en bruto era este: reconsiderar la fachada trasera de una casa victoriana en el norte de Londres y proporcionar una nueva cocina y dos baños nuevos, uno de ellos en la planta baja y accesible. Detrás del encargo, ocupándose de insuflar alm
White Paper by7 min. leídos
What Do You Think?
We wanted to conduct a few short interviews with professionals from different fields in relation to climate change. This is a very frightening change and we have no doubt that, if urgent measures are not taken, it will be too late. In total and absol
White Paper by6 min. leídos
Ben Allen
By putting together some daring clients and an architect committed to a unique way of reading and interpreting architecture comes a house marked by the use of colour and the exploration of one particular material: concrete. This is the story of a pro