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The Flowers of Lyx

Escrito por Jesús B. Vilches

Narrado por Jesús B. Vilches

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Segundo volúmen del corpus poemario iniciado con Latidos. Poemas de madrugadas insomnes, silencios, reflejos, cadenas de latidos a través de la ventana. Un sueño imposible para soñarlo despierto.
Fecha de lanzamiento13 jun 2018

Títulos en esta serie (1)

  • Madrugadas



    Segundo volúmen del corpus poemario iniciado con Latidos. Poemas de madrugadas insomnes, silencios, reflejos, cadenas de latidos a través de la ventana. Un sueño imposible para soñarlo despierto.


Jesús B. Vilches

Jesús Barona Vilches (Cordoba, Spain, December 1976).A writer with an outstanding career in epic fantasy. He won the "Revelation Author in Fantasy Literature" prize in Málaga (2009) for El Enviado, the first volume of his epic saga. His studies in art history and his degree in history come together with his literary vocation in the creation of the saga "La Flor de Jade", which was first published in 2009 by a traditional publishing house and then in 2011 by an independent publisher. Since then, Vilches, who is based in Madrid and works with his usual illustrator Javier Charro, has become a committed defender of the new model of independent publishing, of the digital format and of a close relationship with his readers, without intermediaries. This commitment has crystallised in a policy of low prices for his digital works and in numerous gestures and online interventions in defence of the author's freedom to have direct control over his own work as a viable and dignified alternative to traditional publishing."The Jade Flower, his best-known work, is an epic pentalogy of classical inspiration, but with deep character work, plot and pacing that make it a standout in the genre. Its solidity is based on more than a decade of construction, with six volumes already published and the volumes that will culminate the author's epic opera still to come.In other areas of literature, he has ventured into romantic historical fiction with the "Irene" series, planned from the outset in the form of the "instalments" of yesteryear.He has also collaborated closely with the illustrators Luis and Romulo Royo in the multidisciplinary project "Malefic Time", writing the novel "Codex Apocalypse", published by Norma Editorial, which completes the vision proposed by the picture books.In the field of poetry, his books of poems include "Latidos" and "Antes gritará el silencio".

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