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Marcus Douglas Presenta Miles "Lucky" Clifford aka Samson parte 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1
Marcus Douglas Presents Untethered Connection: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #3
Marcus Douglas Presents Miles "Lucky" Clifford, Part 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1
Serie de libros electrónicos5 títulos

Into the Eyes of Darkness series

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información sobre esta serie

What word do you put all your faith in? What word has your back and you theirs? When all else fails, who can you count on… Family. The new chief of police, Brock James, is a corrupt, maniacal, and egotistical human being. But he hasn't forgotten the importance of family. Come and follow as we uncover the layers of the new chief. The past of his innocence, to becoming the tyrannical human that is before you today.

Fecha de lanzamiento31 oct 2022
Marcus Douglas Presenta Miles "Lucky" Clifford aka Samson parte 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1
Marcus Douglas Presents Untethered Connection: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #3
Marcus Douglas Presents Miles "Lucky" Clifford, Part 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1

Títulos en esta serie (5)

  • Marcus Douglas Presents Miles "Lucky" Clifford, Part 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1


    Marcus Douglas Presents Miles "Lucky" Clifford, Part 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1
    Marcus Douglas Presents Miles "Lucky" Clifford, Part 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1

    Step Into the Eyes of Darkness, where Miles Clifford is in his adolescence. After a fatal car accident has cost him his family, Miles' life is in shackles and in ruins. He must break free from these chains and change his destiny.  Now, Miles must navigate through fear and respect to get a piece of dignity or a piece of dominance!!! 

  • Marcus Douglas Presenta Miles "Lucky" Clifford aka Samson parte 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1


    Marcus Douglas Presenta Miles "Lucky" Clifford aka Samson parte 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1
    Marcus Douglas Presenta Miles "Lucky" Clifford aka Samson parte 1: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #1

    Sumérgete en Eyes of Darkness, donde Miles Clifford está en plena adolescencia. Después de que un accidente fatal le costó a su familia, la vida de Miles está encadenada y en ruinas. Debe liberarse de estas cadenas y cambiar su destino. ¡Miles debe navegar a través del miedo y el respeto para obtener algo de dignidad o un trozo de dominio!

  • Marcus Douglas Presents Untethered Connection: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #3


    Marcus Douglas Presents Untethered Connection: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #3
    Marcus Douglas Presents Untethered Connection: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #3

    Untethered Connection: Cynthia and Chase After the death of an unexpected close family member, the Jenkins family is in disarray. Nobody is affected by this loss more than Cynthia. Chase reconnects with Cynthia, after 13 years, and tries to get to the bottom of this untimely death. As they go through many trials, it begs a question, is it as the police report says or is it a conspiracy? The dice continues to roll, as we are drawn into this untethered connection.

  • Marcus Douglas Presents The Jenkins Family: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #2


    Marcus Douglas Presents The Jenkins Family: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #2
    Marcus Douglas Presents The Jenkins Family: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #2

    Welcome to the Family Come and meet one of the most notorious families of the drug underworld: the Jenkins. Our main characters Carl, Sammie, Neil, and the youngest daughter, Marissa, go down this road of love, betrayal, and hurt. How their web is woven in with Miles Clifford's life. Will Lucky Miles Clifford, survive the terrible ordeal with the Jenkin's brothers? Can the Family piece together their brokenness before time runs out… Welcome to the Family……

  • Marcus Douglas Presents The Book of James: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #4


    Marcus Douglas Presents The Book of James: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #4
    Marcus Douglas Presents The Book of James: Into the Eyes of Darkness series, #4

    What word do you put all your faith in? What word has your back and you theirs? When all else fails, who can you count on… Family. The new chief of police, Brock James, is a corrupt, maniacal, and egotistical human being. But he hasn't forgotten the importance of family. Come and follow as we uncover the layers of the new chief. The past of his innocence, to becoming the tyrannical human that is before you today.


Marcus Douglas

I know that this particular section is to talk about my worthiness and my accolades, and so forth and so on. About a year and a half ago, I had a minor stroke.  My equilibrium, my motor functions, my speech, and my ability to process and obtain information was depleted.  Even if I had a thought in my head, my ability to speak was so damaged to the point where I couldn’t formulate the words. So many failed attempts to be the man I once was, time after time, I thought my bettering in the particular situation was improving; however, it only sent me toward a path of more pain and heartache. I was truly lost, and struggling to make it through my day to day. But God!!! Although things got bad, to worst, to rock bottom, I never lost faith in God. Slowly but surely I began to regain a little piece of myself back day by day. It was only through the power of Jesus Christ  that I am here today, with a strengthened faith, a hunger for success, and a new found purpose. I even found my wife and through my recovery she believed in me. My son and beautiful family were right by my side . So these books, theater creations, and movies, are not a virtue of me but it is testament of the God in me. 

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