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The First Christmas Children's Book (Spanish): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday
Serie de libros electrónicos1 título

Spanish Children's Books on Life and Behavior

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The First Christmas Children's Book provides an annual Christmas storytelling tradition of the greatest birthday in history - the birth of Jesus! A memorable storyline that intertwines a family experience with biblical and historical truths. You now have a fun and helpful resource for when asking, "How do I

Fecha de lanzamiento10 sept 2021
The First Christmas Children's Book (Spanish): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday

Títulos en esta serie (1)

  • The First Christmas Children's Book (Spanish): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday


    The First Christmas Children's Book (Spanish): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday
    The First Christmas Children's Book (Spanish): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday

    The First Christmas Children's Book provides an annual Christmas storytelling tradition of the greatest birthday in history - the birth of Jesus! A memorable storyline that intertwines a family experience with biblical and historical truths. You now have a fun and helpful resource for when asking, "How do I


Mauro Lirussi

Mauro Lirussi is an experienced illustrator with over 15 years of experience. Throughout his career, he has contributed to various projects including comics, educational books, a graphic novel, a documentary, and numerous children's books.

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