Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Your 7-day Meal Plan
WEEK THREE INCLUDES A CLEANSING GREEN SMOOTHIE EACH DAY A nourishing smoothie is a quick and easy way to start the day, and will support natural cleansing and weight loss, as well as boosting your energy for your exercise sessions. INGREDIENTS • 1 tb
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Fat-burning Drinks
There are some drinks that are believed to help increase your metabolism, therefore increasing calorie burn. Many athletes believe that caffeine will enhance performance and increase calorie burn during exercise. Caffeine is also thought to suppress
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Food For Thought
✔ Healthy food swaps ✔ Flat belly rules ✔ Guide to supplements ✔ Coping with cravings ✔ Super smoothies YOU CAN EXERCISE FOR THREE HOURS every day if the urge takes you, but without the right eating plan, you still won't get the body you want. Quite
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Your 7-day Meal Plan
THIS IS THE TRANSITIONING PHASE This week, we increase the carbs slightly to help you move into a maintenance way of eating. That way you will keep the belly off fat for good. Follow this plan and check yourself out! INGREDIENTS • Pepper • Little oli
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Your 7-day Meal Plan
GO EASY ON THE CARBS… This week we start your meal plan with low-carb meals and plenty of healthy gut-friendly foods. INGREDIENTS • ½ can of chopped tomatoes • ½ aubergine • 1 courgette • 1 red pepper PREPARATION Cook half a can of chopped tomatoes w
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Your 7-day Meal Plan
YOU'VE COME THIS FAR, so we think you deserve some treats! If you're craving chocolate or a sweet treat then don't deprive yourself – we've included some low-sugar tasty treats to keep you motivated. INGREDIENTS • 120g pork • 2 tsp Dijon mustard • Li
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Got A Sweet Tooth?
Don't let those sweet cravings ruin your healthyeating plans. Here are some simple strategies to help you tackle the sugar kick. Keeping your blood-sugar levels stabilised throughout the day is the first step to beating those cravings. Don't skip mea
Women's Fitness Guide2 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Flat Belly Food Rules
As the expression goes, you can't outexercise a bad diet. It's true that you can eat what you want from time to time and have occasional treats, but they should be occasional. For a flat, toned tummy you can be proud of, your diet needs to be careful
Women's Fitness Guide9 min. leídos
Get Fit With Our Workout Guide
Top tummy-toning moves Easy-to-follow, step-by-step guides Mix and match to create workouts Stay fit - for life! GETTING GREAT RESULTS requires more than just a heal thy diet -adding regular exercise into your life is the way to tone up and slim down
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Friend Or Foe?
Friends and family may notice that you're starting to change shape, too. Some may be supportive, but others might ask you why you're ‘spending so much time in the gym' and some may even be jealous. Don't let them put you off… imagine how you'd feel i
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Your 7-day Meal Plan
GET SPICY! Herbs and spices add flavour to meals without lots of calories. Many have health benefits, too – Ginger is particularly useful for supporting digestion, for example. Cinnamon is known for its ability to stabilise blood sugar levels and red
Women's Fitness Guide3 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Food For Life
For many people, losing excess weight and achieving a flat belly is the easy part – the tricky bit is making sure you keep looking and feeling great. So, rather than abandoning the eating plan completely, make a few tweaks and use it as a template fo
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Your 7-day Meal Plan
EAT MORE FIBRE-RICH FOOD… Not only does fibre fill you up and curb those cravings, but it will support healthy digestion, too. INGREDIENTS • ½ can mixed beans • Romaine lettuce • Baby spinach leaves • ½ red pepper • Cucumber slices • 3 tbsp wholegrai
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Power Of The Mind
Try to keep occupied during times that you tend to crave foods, especially in the evenings when you are likely to be sedentary. A Yoga, fai chi and meditation are practices all well worth investigating, as these can help support the emotional changes
Women's Fitness Guide3 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
No More Cravings!
You know the importance of a balanced diet by now, but your success also relies on you having regular eating patterns and habits that you constantly repeat. With that in mind, here are some quick tips to reduce cravings: ► Make sure you eat a good br
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Women's Fitness Guide
Editor: Christina Macdonald Fitness Editor: Anne-Marie Lategan Art Director: Pio Blanco Sub-Editor: Karen Staddon Photography: Eddie Macdonald, Thinkstock (cover photo by Eddie Macdonald) Contributors: Christine Bailey, Ben Walsh ADVERTISEMENTS SALES
Women's Fitness Guide2 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Best Healthy Food Swaps
1 Swap chocolate for date and cocoa bars Chocolate is high in fat and refined sugar. By swapping it for date and cocoa natural bars you will not only reduce the fat content, but the sugar content will be from a natural, unprocessed source, too. 2 Swa
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Your 7-day Meal Plan
INCLUDE FOODS RICH IN BEILYBLASTING FATS Monounsaturated fatty acids and essential omega 3 fats will target dangerous and stubborn belly fat. They also lower inflammation, and help you feel full and prevent cravings. INGREDIENTS • 120g stir-fry veget
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Are Friends Supportive?
SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS might not like the new you, not because you don't look great, but because you're in better shape than they are! If they were used to being the slim ones or feeling like they look better than you, they may be jealous. So if they t
Women's Fitness Guide2 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Be Patient, Trust The Journey
Motivation can come from many sources. Some of us respond well to hearing others tell us we can't do something, then proving to them, and ourselves, that we can. Others respond well to being encouraged by friends and colleagues. Whatever has inspired
Women's Fitness Guide3 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Super Smoothies
Looking to get the most from your training? Then you'll need the right fuel. What you eat or drink before, during and after your workout can make all the difference to your performance and recovery. For many people, whizzing up a nourishing smoothie
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Fat-burning Foods
Yes, it's true – there are certain foods that have a high thermogenic effect, which means that you can actually burn calories as you sip or chew! Green tea This has been shown to increase metabolism and burn fat. Aim to drink three to five cups daily
Women's Fitness Guide2 min. leídos
Recovery Stretches
A TIGHT UPPER BACK CAN ALSO BE CAUSED BY LONG PERIODS OF SITTING. AVOID THIS EXERCISE IF YOU HAVE ANY KNEE ISSUES TECHNIQUE: Kneel down on the floor and lower your bottom down to sit on your heels. Gradually extend your arms out in front of you as yo
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídos
Ready To Change?
✓ Easy-to-follow, eight-week meal plan ✓ Regular progress checkers ✓ What to eat to stay slim for life! CHANGING YOUR BODY is about changing several things – diet and lifestyle, as well as exercise (which is covered later in this guide). This may see
Women's Fitness Guide2 min. leídosMental Health
If you stick to the workouts and eating plan in this guide, you can make considerable progress in four weeks. By the end of the first month, you should find that your energy levels have improved, you'll be feeling fitter and, most importantly, your b
Women's Fitness Guide3 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Can Supplements Boost Weight Loss?
There are a vast amount of energy and protein bars and drinks available on the market these days. And while they all aim to help you energise your body, slim down, lose weight and tone up, establishing what is right for you isn't easy. To work out if
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
Your 7-day Meal Plan
THIS WEEK'S FOOD PLAN FOCUSES ON HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES TO FOODS THAT CAUSE BLOATING… Rapidly fermentable carbs found in gluten, onion, garlic and certain vegetables and fruits promote growth of bacteria in the gut. This can result in abdominal bloatin
Women's Fitness Guide3 min. leídos
Looking Good… Now Stay That Way!
You've got the body you've always wanted. Now how do you make sure you keep it? Food is key and by following our plan for the past eight weeks, you'll now understand the basics of a healthy diet. However, it's also crucial to think about your exercis
Women's Fitness Guide1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
TREAT YOURSELF WITH DARK CHOCOLATE. Dark chocolate contains high levels of flavonols, a potent type of antioxidant that can help protect your skin. Look for dark chocolate that's at least 70 per cent cacao. A couple of squares is enough to improve lu
Women's Fitness Guide3 min. leídos
How To Combat Stress
Not only can stress make you look visibly older, it can also increase your risk of developing a serious disease. Chronic stress (stress experienced over a prolonged period of time) can increase your risk of cancer, lung disease and even liver disease
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