History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know?
Florence Nightingale was so attached to her pet owl that she carried it around in her apron pocket. The bird, rescued in Athens, grew fiercely loyal, and was named ‘Athena’. They were separated when she left for the Crimean War. On 11 December 1937,
History Revealed2 min. leídos
1675 St Paul's Is Started
INFOGRAPHIC: TIDY DESIGNS, ALAMY X1, GETTY X1 AD 604 The first cathedral on the site is built by Mellitus, a Roman. AD 675 A fire devastates the first building, but it is quickly rebuilt. AD 962 Viking invaders destroy the second cathedral. A replace
History Revealed4 min. leídos
Food And Drink
Henry VIII had an insatiable appetite for novelty, opulence and displays of generosity – so no wonder a colossal golden fountain that spouted wine instead of water appealed to him. The renowned artwork depicting Henry’s encounter with French King Fra
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Photo Finish
Few buildings in the world are as distinctive – or have a history as troubled – as Barcelona’s Sagrada Família. Nearly a century after its primary architect, Antoni Gaudí, died in 1926, the Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família is only no
History Revealed8 min. leídos
Ancient World
Boudica, the celebrated queen of the Iceni tribe who lived in what is now Norfolk, spearheaded a revolt against Britain’s Roman occupiers around AD 60. Her initial campaigns were successful, resulting in the devastation of London, Colchester and St A
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know?
In 1858, more than 200 unfortunate people were poisoned by sweets laced with arsenic. This horrific set of events inspired the introduction of legislation to clamp down on the adulteration of food in the UK. In the seas off New England in the 19th ce
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know?
Louis Washkansky, a 53-year-old South African grocer, was the first recipient of a human-to-human heart transplant in 1967. The operation was a success, but he died 18 days later from pneumonia. From the 17th to the 19th century, a medicine called bl
History Revealed2 min. leídos
The Lore Of Stonehenge
Stonehenge is famous both for its broken circles of standing stones and as an enduring source of mystery and wonder. What was it used for? And why was it made? Definitive answers to these questions continue to elude us. What we do know is that Stoneh
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know?
Three-quarters of British women who entered the armed forces during World War I were volunteers. By comparison, volunteers made up less than one-third of the men who served in the armed forces during the conflict. Malnourished North Vietnamese soldie
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Welcome January 2024
For this, the final issue of BBC History Revealed, we’ve pulled together a host of historical conundrums and fascinating facts that may – or may not – turn you into a history genius! At the very least, you’ll be sure to impress at any New Year dinner
History Revealed4 min. leídos
5 Things You (probably) Didn't Know About Bizarre Books
In the 1930s, a Shinto priest in Japan reportedly discovered Japanese documents that – so it was claimed – included the last will and testament of Jesus Christ. According to these, Jesus – described in the text as “a longnosed goblin” – evaded crucif
History Revealed4 min. leídos
Test your history knowledge to solve our prize puzzle – and you could win a fantastic new book 8 ___ to All That, 1929 war memoir by Robert Graves (4-3) 9 “___ multitude”, term for the masses coined by Edmund Burke in 1790 (7) 11 Final word of the Ne
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know?
Perhaps the oldest surviving tombstone epitaph written in English is thought to be one in Stow Minster, Lincolnshire. It is for Emma Fulk, who died c1300, and reads: Alle men that bere lif / prai for Emma was Fulk wif. Alexander the Great was not a m
History Revealed6 min. leídos
Weird And Wonderful
Mary Toft, a young woman from Godalming, Surrey, caused a sensation in 1726 when she convinced a number of doctors that, after seeing a large rabbit while pregnant, she had given birth to parts of the long eared mummals. John Howard, a local surgeon
History Revealed3 min. leídos
1085 Domesday Book Begins
When, in December 1085, King William I gave orders to carry out a ‘Great Survey’, it felt to the people of England and parts of Wales like the biblical Day of Judgement was upon them. Every soul in the land was to be assessed, and no appeal would be
History Revealed5 min. leídos
Health And Medicine
Ancient Egyptian tombs dating back to 3000 BC have yielded sticks frayed at the end to floss teeth, and the miswak (chew-stick) has been used in Muslim cultures for centuries. The first bristle brushes appeared in China at the end of the 15th century
History Revealed1 min. leídosDiet & Nutrition
1954 The End Of Rationing
PETROL 11 years – 1939 to 1950 SOAP 8 years – 1942 to 1950 BUTTER 14 years – 1940 to 1954 EGGS 13 years – 1941 to 1954 CHEESE 13 years – 1941 to 1954 CLOTHES 8 years – 1941 to 1949 TEA 12 years – 1940 to 1952 SUGAR 13 years – 1940 to 1953 BREAD 2 yea
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know? Brilliant
Medieval longbowmen trained extensively and were highly skilled. A top bowman could release up to 12 arrows in one minute, and could hit targets more than 200 metres away – making him a major asset in battle. In 1304, Edward I ordered the constructio
History Revealed3 min. leídos
How To Look Beautiful
LIFE HACK #10 From Helen of Troy’s ‘face that launched 1,000 ships’ to the outlandish hair styles of Marie Antoinette, beauty has played a major part in history – but what can the past offer us by way of beauty tips? Cosmetics were applied by Egyptia
History Revealed5 min. leídos
Art And Architecture
A statue of Alfred the Great, standing in leafy Trinity Church Square, Southwark, was long thought to be the oldest freestanding statue in London, believed to be one of a group ordered by Richard II for Westminster Hall in 1395. However, studies in 2
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know?
An estimated 60,000 to 100,000 enslaved people were involved in building the Colosseum in Rome. Construction on the vast amphitheatre began under the emperor Vespasian in AD 72. Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting, Mona Lisa, hung in Napoleon’s
History Revealed6 min. leídos
Medieval Life
Let’s get to the point: from the 12th to 15th centuries, shoes were all about status. Both men and women wanted to put their best foot forward – as far forward as possible, in fact. Pointed shoes, known as poulaines or crackowes, may have been inspir
History Revealed2 min. leídos
8 Podcast podcast Episodes About Revolutions
What led to the overthrow of Russia’s monarchy in 1917 and the rise of the world’s first socialist state? In this episode from November 2020, Robert Service tackles listeners’ questions about the tumultuous events of 1917 that fundamentally changed t
History Revealed1 min. leídosLeadership
History Revealed
EDITORIAL Editor Charlotte Hodgman charlotte.hodgman@immediate.co.uk Production Editor Jon Bauckham Staff Writer Danny Bird Art Editor Sheu-Kuei Ho DIGITAL Digital Editor Elinor Evans elinor.evans@immediate.co.uk Deputy Digital Editor Kev Lochun Prem
History Revealed1 min. leídos
Did You Know? Demanding
The Tudor royal kitchen had a huge job feeding the court. In just one year during the reign of Elizabeth I, the extensive shopping list included 8,200 sheep, 1,870 pigs, 1,240 oxen, 53 wild boar and 2,300 deer. The so-called Grand Remonstrance, a lis
History Revealed6 min. leídos
Kings And Queens
Well, it was chopped off on 30 January 1649. The king had lost the Civil Wars, and had been sentenced to be executed for the rather unlikely crime of high treason. After the unknown executioner carried out the deed with a single strike of his axe, se
History Revealed3 min. leídos
5 Things You (probably) Didn't Know About The History Of Dogs
Throughout history, specific dog breeds have been associated with particular social groups. In the 19th century, terriers were popular among the working classes; Manchester terriers (pictured below) were favoured by workingclass men, partly to keep v
History Revealed5 min. leídos
Quite a few. In 1943, Maria Dickin, founder of the veterinary charity People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) introduced a medal to honour animals that displayed exceptional bravery in World War II. The Dickin Medal, a bronze disc bearing the wor
History Revealed5 min. leídos
War And Peace
The New Model Army was a force raised by Parliament in 1645 during the Civil Wars. Although other armies had earlier been recruited for the defence or conquest of a specific part of the country, soldiers of the New Model Army could expect to serve an
History Revealed2 min. leídos
Women in ersatz ancient Greek tunics hold aloft a torch, ready for the flame to be lit by the rays of the noonday sun via a parabolic mirror in the sacred precinct of Olympia. All is not quite as historic as it seems, though: this moment on 20 July 1
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