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Recordamos SED: La advertencia | E1. Colapso | Una serie clave para nuestro tiempo


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Recordamos SED: La advertencia | E1. Colapso | Una serie clave para nuestro tiempo


27 minutos
11 jun 2024
Episodio de podcast


Dos años después de su estreno recordamos SED: La Advertencia, una serie de ficción, protagonizada por Tenoch Huerta, que narra el día en que una ciudad se queda sin agua. ¡Escucha este primer episodio y busca SED: La Advertencia en la misma plataforma donde estás descubriendo esta historia!

Episodio 1. Colapso - Aurelio intenta alertar al gobierno sobre una inminente crisis de agua. Acompaña a Lucía en su búsqueda de reconocimiento en el periodismo y a Bruno, quien vive el caos urbano. 

SED: La advertencia es una producción original de Sonoro, San Francisco 110 y Xook Audio. Con las actuaciones de Tenoch Huerta, Alejandra Robles Gil y Manuel Balbi. Disfruta la serie completa en cualquier plataforma de podcasts. 
11 jun 2024
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (11)

In a near dystopian future four teenage friends (Manuel, Joana, Leticia and Alejandro) grow weary of the technocracy that controls their every movement. To escape the monotony, the four of them escape to the desert to bond with each other, and the universe under the influence of psychedelic drugs. In the desert, the drugs open new doors of perception for the teens, but when the drugs wear off they discover they have been abandoned, and that their group is incomplete. Manuel has gone missing. Twenty years later, nearing the anniversary of that fateful night, Joana awakens to nightmares of Manuel, and soon begins seeing him throughout town. But Manuel hasn’t aged. He’s the same 15 year old boy he was that night in the desert. Even if it risks everything she has spent so long regaining, Joana must know what happened to Manuel. Joining with her fellow survivors from that night, the trio take us on a thrill ride through a dystopian future where the only safe harbor is on our minds. Parábola is an original podcast series from Sonoro and Telemundo.